Friday, January 6, 2012

The Force

                       Enlightenment Series                                       Ranchos #23                                                     c-2007

The Force
Edy was up a lot last night working on stuff so I let her sleep when I rolled out of bed early. I snuck the coffee grinder into the guest bathroom and wrapped it in a towel to grind-up the morning “fix” so she could rest. She needed it.
I plowed through a bunch of correspondence and planned then scratched the “plans” and just DID some things I wanted to do to “thwart the thwarter”, as my attitude was already slipping before my 2nd cup of java.  “2012, I’ve known your cousins and there is something suspicious already about you”, I thought as I hurried through my list before meteors started falling or some other early calamity occurred.
In an attempt to not slide in to anything “postal” I suggested a bike ride to Edy before she had fully awaken. Nothing like a drill sergeant to get your day off to a cheery start, eh? What a guy!
We saddled up and took a swing by the PO , then off to Ride #3 for a spin. Weather was really nice people were not. I guess the expiration date for Xmas Cheer expired last midnight because everyone we passed had an attitude. From folks parking like jerks to other pulling halfway into our paths and then blaming us for their goof, folks were just plain crabby.    What’s that saying???  –“you spot – you got it”.   Oh and did I mention that my new bike computer ran out of juice before the ride? (Thwarted).

We got back early and I plowed through the rest of my “un-list” and could not help but see that every appointment and meeting I was to have this week never happened and 90% of the calls I was to have received never happened either. “2012, I’m keeping THIS eye on YOU” I said as I looked at my calendar and transferred names on to post-its so as not be reminded of erasures each time I look at it for the rest of the month.  Then I thought of a new “Inspirational Saying” as I growled…………”Live every day in pencil”….which I promptly followed up with a bunch of “and” ……….sayings that spoiled the original “Inspired Moment” ………..but would have been applauded in parts of New Jersey.

This was evening of #5 Bikram Yoga. I’m really getting into it and already recognize a few folks as regulars. One asked me today if I was past #10 and I just said “next week” and meant it. Teachers are helpful and classes still have a full range of participants on many different levels so I feel quite comfortable. Heat is a bear, but as we discussed during an earlier session, this August we’ll be wanting to go into the 104 degree room to cool off.

It’s pretty easy to see who is in it for themselves and who is there for “social” purposes. At session #5 I already have a good science experiment going. During class I’m really focused on me (but sometimes look at Edy because I can’t help it) but before and after and as we prep for the next poses I do a perimeter scan in the mirror to see who’s doing what. We’re all sweating out our body weight in fluids which seems unfathomable but it’s true. Soaked clothes, towels, mats etc.. yet some folks are primping and ogling each other and talking in code …………then there are the young folks, who should be doing that but are way too serious about their practice. Young  Yoga Republicans.  

So, before class this guy walks in and the fur on my neck immediately stands straight up. He looks at me and I give him my best German Sheppard stare until he looks away. Crap ! – Boardroom, Construction site , Grocery Store you know the type, I’m ready to rip his jugular out and I don’t even know him. BUT, I feel his vibe and know I’m right. THIS is not how you are supposed to feel in a Yoga class I remind myself and told myself to just “sit”.

When it’s time for class I walk in and lie down to acclimate to the heat for a bit and then when the teacher says “let’s start” I get up and turn around to see this same guy standing right in front of Edy’s mat. I growled out loud. He refused eye contact. Good.
I worked really hard to shift my mind back between my own ears and concentrated on my breathing and poses. Two young girls set up all their towels next to my feet so that when I laid down mid-session I was sweating all over their Laura Ashley. I tried my best to adjust my toes not to but to no avail. I then used my “force” to shake them out of their heat stroked daze to move them on their own. Ah, the force, it worked.
After class Edy and I stayed on our mats to get our heart rates down and let the locker rooms clear out a bit. She went into hers, and I went into mine , we changed and walked out to the parking lot and got in the car to go home.  As we pulled out on the road I put my hand on her leg and she immediately said “don’t touch me right now, I am SO annoyed”……….”Why I asked?”………….”Errr !!!, Did you notice that guy in front of me during class???”………………………..”As a matter of fact, I did”,  I answered with a side-ways grin.

“He had the WORST Vibe” she said………….and went on to describe it all the way home.

“GOD, I love that girl!”  

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