Thursday, January 12, 2012


My Back Yard Series                     Alignment #7                                        c-2011

Edy and I went for a nice long walk in the hood today. It was a heck of a lot colder than we thought and we had to step up the pace to get things moving; it worked.
Soon we found ourselves out past the library and found it “perfect” because we were curious when the renovations were going to be done, as we don’t like crossing the tracks to go to “that” other library across town. It’s still not open but the sign promised “soon”.   Soon,ugh – a theme.
In our yoga practice we have certain poses that are almost impossible to hold, (for me at least). I’ll grab a leg or arm and hold it….hold it….hold it til I’m ready to drop it and then the teacher will say “change” just in time and I get to practice again with the other side …and again for the second set………and then there is always tomorrow to begin again….and again and again to practice that pose. The good news is no one has died and frankly everyone looks quite happy and healthy after each greuling session. Personally I find it up-lifting once I finish my last breathing excersizes and confirm that I too have not died.
I shared some feelings I was having about the Taos years with Edy on our walk and how I was certain I would never have to feel “that way” again once we got away from “that place”. I was convinced that these particular issues were purely geographic. Yet here we are walking and having a little unexpected reunion with this varied mix of guests from the past. Historically I would have quickly gotten really busy , really fast to make this visitor scram or ignore the incessant knocking of another, so as not to ruin my day, but lately I just invite them in to dig through the bindle stiffs and see what other treasures might accompany them. Some visitors require solemn acknowledgment; others get a big High Five upon entering!!   All are welcome now, though we sometimes sit uncomfortably together as we sift through this and that. Every once in a while a nugget will emerge that requires further investigation and I hold it, hold it, hold it….. til I can barely stand it anymore and then “change”……..and then sift a bit more………….in preparation for the next.    It's a practice.

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