Monday, November 28, 2011

Free Ride

Free Ride
Edy and I are in the Albuquerque Airport waiting for our delayed flight. We had a great visit with the kids yet are anxious to get home. As mentioned previously New Mexico is always a trip and this airport in particular is like visiting an old musty yet familiar old hotel. I literally lived well over  two thousand hours here …….and counting. Add to that the 10’s of thousands of hours on airplanes and other airports and somewhere along the line a big chunk of my life has been deposited between here and there. It’s not outer space, cyberspace or teleporting – I call it airport-ation. The cumulative measure of life gained or lost between “places”.  Commuting, carpooling, or “truckin’ – all the same……………”lag time”

Lord knows I used to think it was a very big deal to have Platinum Status for early boarding, upgrades, free flights, “good” snacks and access to assorted lounges until I realized that all of “us sheep” were basically making life deposits by the ga-zillions of hours in these places. Things began changing from that point forward.

During my travels back and forth between offices in different states I had an interesting experience one morning in Taos. We used to have a very colorful character we all called “Dirty Boy”. Like a lot of folks there he did his share of dumpster diving, had dreads and well, stunk. As I was getting a coffee at a little shop and he saddled up next to me and gave me a nudge. I thought, “oh brother, he wants breakfast” and pulled out my wallet again to oblige. He just looked at me and asked “Commuter?” I looked at him and said ....‘What?”’
He looked up past the ceiling into the heavens and then looked back at me slowly said……….. “Ah,I thought so………. commuter”.

During one of my photo excursions this trip, I ran across these seed pods and thought about their ability to create “airportation” via their own form of random commuting. Wind, animals, guys with cameras and loose laces in their shoes allow them to spread out from their existing locations and try again for another shot at life for the next generation. Very noble in concept but what about the lag time, being carried hither and yon until such time the seed is detached (either willingly or unwillingly) and hopefully falls to fertile ground. Commuter

From the standpoint of the calf, dog or guy with the camera the seedpod is generally an unwelcome guest to be disposed of quickly or in other cases goes unnoticed for a very long time. Either way it’s a crap-shoot as to the suitability of the new landing zone to keep with the plan. Then, IF successful, the real work begins, because we all know there is no such thing as a Free Ride.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Give Thanks

Give Thanks
I have taken a little break from the “daily blog” to visit Edy and “The L’s” in Taos for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  It’s always good to see the gang and see how fast young boys grow.

Required feasting was a group effort. Everyone did their part to ensure we all had way too much to eat and will continue to do so for the next few days.
Returning to Taos is always more than a trip for us; in fact it’s always a trip and a half.
So as not to begin a novel here about our life in Taos, we can simply borrow from Mr. Dickens, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”…..

There are snap-shots in life when one experiences the unbearable agony of not having certain dreams come to fruition. All of the associated energy, effort and expectations crash to create a black hole of questioning of “Why? “and “What’s it all about”?  It feels that this has all been for naught and a matter of life or death.

Fast forward a relatively short period of time and one can see that the “dreams” were nothing but an ego folly and the touch of agony that was experienced was actually just a gentle blip of pain compared to what would continue to be experienced into this day if the ego had won. Of course the “seeing” is a choice. There are many other choices that could be made to keep one safe in the warm and cozy familiar black hole.

I went out this morning and took some pictures while Edy got the 1st ski of the season in with #1 Daughter. Both are activities we enjoy and deeply ground us.  While walking through the snow in my way too light for the season wardrobe I was reminded that “do-overs” abound at every turn in the road if you dare to keep walking. In my core I am a dreamer, I dream BIG; couldn’t stop if I wanted to.  I am also a manifestor of the 1st order. If the dreams I dream need to manifest, they will.  Insha'Allah

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just Wait

                                                                                                 Sensuous Structures Series

Just Wait
I got up early this morning to make a coffee meeting with a gentleman we’ll be teaming with on a portion of our current project. I elected to take the back way into downtown and cleverly avoided the sheep chute of commuters stuck on all the highways.  
My host was a little bit late and I spent the time reading a real Wall Street Journal cover to cover, ink stained fingers and everything; it’s been a while since I received information this way. I also overheard bits and pieces of a mentor-protégé conversation happening in the next booth. It was refreshing as the older gent with a handlebar moustache was very patient and coached gently. “Good for him”, I thought, “I wonder if the kid understands the “other free gift”  he is receiving now in addition to his omelet?”

Our meeting was brief, to the point and extremely positive.
All the areas of interest I was hoping to cover were met and my host also offered some additional insights that were quite valid and very welcome.  Man, I love working with “professionals”. As I walked out of the lobby into the porte cochere to get my car the valet winked at me and said, “So, how’d the meeting go ?” “Great”, I answered, “really great”.

The current projects we have underway started in 2004 with a number of fits and starts and trips all over the country trying to get them to “launch” (key words “get them” – remember this line for later). They really got firmed up and set in their current framework when we created Saffron Group on Thanksgiving 2008.  Wow, it seems like seven lifetimes have passed since then. As this project has evolved a myriad of seemingly dissimilar elements have been spread out in various tables much like those tiny little puzzle pieces in fancy 5000 piece boxes, except these puzzles are 3 dimensional and tiered in such a way that the final image must be present from all viewing angles and also from the inside out. Think Hologram.

I read an article today about a study that was done that proved that practice in-fact does make perfect. Seriously, A study. With Grants and Funding and researchers with assistants and maybe even a rat or two thrown in (not really). At the end of this study it was found conclusively that those music students who practiced 10,000 hours or more were better players than students who practiced only 5000 hours.   I shake my head.  

Anyway, I am feeling just like I did when I was 6 and completed the “beginning corner” of a new birthday puzzle. After spending hours tediously sifting through the box and looking at each piece, examining it and setting it aside, over and over again there is a big surge of “ah, ha !!” when those first two pieces come together.  Like then, its kind of messy and doesn’t look like much now, but just wait.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Not My Job

                                                                                             NOT MY PHOTO

Not My Job

Today started out as a very mellow morning of reflection and meditation. I woke early so I could catch up on some reading I’d been stockpiling and then eased into the day with a nice conversation with Edy.
My internal winds shifted without warning and I was soon in an emotional downdraft, plummeting into the black hole of rage.  If I’m honest, the “without warning” part is flatly untrue. Everything that got me “cranked up” today was a culmination of subtle and not so subtle hints that were fore-shadowing events to unfold.

One of the beautiful things about my job is the “design process” and the “math”.
If I do my job correctly, things get built correctly and everyone is happy, one or two years down the road when the project is complete. If any of the ga-zillion elements that go into a project get overlooked, fudged or short cuts taken, then there are going to be problems. The math doesn’t lie and neither to the “plans”. Mess with one component and you soon have a ton of problems that all point back to the original “whoops”.   Many times I am the Whoops-“er” and have to send out revisions and addenda and fall on my sword in front of my colleagues/clients confessing to them all that despite all they may think of me “I’m Human”………They usually reply, “and …?”   Other times I get a call or will be visiting a site and will be pulled aside by a whoops-“ee” who proceeds to tell me “that despite all I may think of him/her”,….. “you’re human too ?”…I just finish it for them, because I know how painful it is to admit that little known fact.

Then there are times I will get a call from someone who is just dying to point out my “human-ness” either in truth or through their own “human-ness”. I feel both sad and angry at these folks because they’re a sub-set in the “build” community who’s sole purpose it is to find “whoops” on the design end so that they can “shaft”   (I thought hard about the correct word) the design team / owner. Of course once one of these “finders” raises their flag, it’s game on. Human–vs- Human,digging for dirt and sucking all the joy right out of the project. These folks can make what has been a “pleasant and creative” process arduous and miserable.  On the other end they now have me sifting through EVERYTHING they do, touch, install, pay, don’t pay, submit, clean up  etc….to find homeostasis.   Usually somewhere down the line we all settle down and they see that this is what “I” do & I just figure it’s their job and how they feed their families and mutual respect is achieved via responsible adult interactions.

Then there are days like today.
Perhaps you too have experienced the type of person who blames YOU for their crappy:  (fill in the blank here) …life, job, skill set, education, happiness, un-happiness, childhood, adulthood, income, vacation,  broken car , mixer, printer, problems…….and on and on…because they asked  “your counsel” on all the above for hours on end….and heeded none of it …, YOU must be the problem here, (they’re actually right)   They also seem to  fall under the sub-set of ones that YOU have paid to perform a service or job, that they then they screw  up.   No “whoops” . No, my gosh, you’re right that is not my best work, NO, they then blame YOU !!! Because YOU wanted them to do it correctly not only the 1st time but 2nd time and every other time you PAID them to do it !!!  And then they ask, “you mean Everytime ????”   
After today I will answer “Actually NO, I should have stopped at the first time you failed to take responsibility for yourself, ugh.”

I am find that I'm having better days when I retire a few of the hats I have worn so proudly for all these years; they’re getting a bit ratty. I’m not sure when I took on the role of counselor, teacher, mentor, advisor or any of the other personas that hide under the assorted brims. It’s been a gradual “collection” I’ve apparently gathered to bolster some other parts that must have felt lacking or perhaps even superior.   I am slowly beginning to feel that all my various skills need to focus in-house from now on, because any energy directed outside these walls is just not my job.

Saturday, November 19, 2011



Got up early and started plugging away on some details on our project. Edy chimed a bit later from Taos and we had a pleasant FB chat session before we both signed off to go get some exercise.
I decided to bike down to the Urban Farmers Market before the promised thunderstorms opened up to see what they had to tempt me with. I held off on breakfast, just in case there were some goodies there.
The front was blowing in right on my face so the “burn” in my legs started sooner than usual, oh well “good”, I thought, get em in now, because the bike will not be going out too much in the coming days with the storms that are forecast.
I made it to the Farmers Market OK and could see as I peddled up the street it was crowded.
I noticed a new unit being framed in a “Luxury Development” next door and could see already it was going to be a challenging morning.  The Big-Mother of a sign in the front said “Luxury Townhomes $900k and UP…..ugh. Stick built, 24” centers, Built up 2x lumber beams, Not even any flitchplates, OSB sheathing, the cheapest of standards for the maximum of pricing. I wanted to yak my breakfast before I even had it in my gut. …….ugh, LOOTERS.  

I shook my head, parked my bike, put the helmet on the handle bars and I did my 1st pass of the stalls, eyeing both the produce and the people. Mushrooms looked good, greens were also looking good. Rain is helping things, finally!  I rounded the last bend and saw one of the larger stalls replenishing their stock from boxes clearly marked CALIFORNIA !!! I asked them what the deal was and they said oh, yea we just mix it in with the other “local” produce……Riiiiiight, “local”, my butt………………Looters.
 I needed to shake off the growing “attitude” I could feel building in me, so I headed north to a favorite Beignet place we like. It was busy with families but the line moved quickly. I ordered and took my plate outside. I grabbed one of the “free” papers and skimmed through it as I noshed on my deep fried goodness. A gent with a suit came and sat at the next table to me and started complaining about “Romper-room” or some such issue he had with inside dining. I ignored him and did not even look up.” I’ll bet he’s probably the developer of the Looter Condos,”  I thought to myself.
Now that the cinnamon / sugar had kicked in … and kicked out most of the “attitude” ,I decided to head over to the MFA and try to see the Dutch Masters Exhibit (again). I stopped at the Center for Photography on my way to see what they had going on. It was a nice showing. Parking at the MFA was easy and the exhibit halls were practically empty despite being “open” this time. The show was marvelous and the breath of the work quite impressive. No Vermeer’s, but all the others were represented, in all genres. Rembrandt’s solo portrait was stunning.   Truly, a Masters show with large paintings over 10’x14’ and some as small as 6”x6”, all with the requisite attention to detail and finesse I admire so much in their works. Being a bit of a history buff, I like envisioning the “times” when looking at paintings or artwork. It’s kind of fun to imagine living in that particular era and this show allowed me to go as far as I wanted. Politics, social classes, transportation, weather, architecture, food, flowers, it was all there with depth.
As I strolled through again for a second pass,  I started looking closer at the framing of the paintings.  Holy Moly !!! That is a 18” x 10” solid piece of EBONY !! Then next it about the same dimension of Cocobolo, then  Purpleheart, Rosewood, Wenge  and on and on. It finally dawned on me that, as these “Masters” were honing their skills in the 1600’s, their countrymen were off pillaging far away colonies for their natural resources and enslaving the indigenous peoples for a guilder or two.   I was having a hard time trying to reconcile how such deep beauty and sensitivity could coexist with Looters, of the first order?  

I did a fast forward of my “history loop” and remembered that the Dutch ended up paying dearly in the centuries that followed for their schenanigans and started to feel a bit better about the whole day.   Ah, Karma, the great equalizer.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

The F Word

The F Word
It was a cool morning, 46 by the online thermometer. So, I stayed in and worked revising some bid documents to keep trying to bring the budget numbers in lower and lower on a current project.
Edy and I had a short Facebook chat session in an attempt to connect. Being apart is hard. Being apart when one of us has a broken phone is harder. We’re creative and have found other means of communication. Electrons are not always required.

I wanted to head out to one of the stores today to get some items for her that she had been admiring in various magazines. I love looking at the ads with her and seeing the latest in jewelry, clothes and shoes as we turn page after page. "YES, THAT would be great!!"", No I don’t think so , Humm ???"", I’d have to see it on you".......  
Not too many men like shopping with their wives, but I absolutely LOVE IT !!  
It is my hobby, dressing Edy.

I also like the see how the photographers showcase not only the wares but the wear-ers.
I’ll first scrutinize the lighting. Humm….???.....OK , 3:1 Kodak Standard,INTERESTING !!!,
4:1 Rembrandt with a “kicker” ,Clever.  Ahhh, Full daylight with 5:30 offline fill,  Ugh, How Pedestrian…blah ! .”Derivative, all derivative!!!”……….”Humm” (again), “nice job!!”

I then look at the Models themselves,  Ah, “pretty”.  Wow, “very nice” – Yikes, “one season left, I hope you have an annuity or a Masters degree in your back pocket”.

Then on to the “goodies” they are advertising – “Yep, they don’t tailor like that anymore” , “That color AGAIN ???, it was horrible in 1952 !!”, “Humm, VERY clever use of materials” , “Yes, that is a winner”….and on and on…. I love line, form, texture, color and pattern. I am and crazy about nuance and whacko over subtlety. I’ve always known it for myself and for my projects but never really knew how much I enjoyed this new “hobby” until Edy.

We then will head out at the most random times to “practice”.
It’s a lot of work for her to try things on …and on…to show and spin, and show and spin ,but I am glad she indulges me as I admire HER in every item. "Beautiful", I say "and the Dress is nice too"....."Wow, Edy - You look STUNNING !!!"   Eventually we will settle on……less than I feel we should be getting and more than she wants. Yin-Yang. I am a horribly impatient shopper for myself and for clients, but for my “hobby”, there seem not to be enough store hours in a day..........or a lifetime.

Earlier in the year, I had a chance to “practice my hobby” with our older daughter too. She was hesitant at first, but then got into it more and more as our evening continued.  She’s a fast learner. We had a really good time and she looked lovely in her new ensambles.  I think Grandson #1 also has a touch of the “hobby” in his veins; we’ll just have to let it evolve and see if he too, is a fan of “Fashion”.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Step Right Up

Step Right Up

I worked this morning on very detailed stuff that was tedious but had to get done. Then I took a break to get on the bike and ride for a bit to loosen up and grab a bite at a new place that opened up a few miles away from us.  It was a cool ride , just barely in the 60’s but the sun was warm and it felt very refreshing to be moving…….sitting and staring at computers for hours makes me “creaky”.

We’ve been watching the transformation of a particular open space into a “Fine Eatery” for months. I was really looking forward to trying them out as I had skipped breakfast and was hungry after working and my ride. The place had a few other diners in it but the line at the counter went a bit wonky as we all figured which line we were supposed to be in to place our eat in orders. Halfway through the line of “order-ers” the Cash Register went on the fritz and the whole operation came to a standstill. The worker bees caucused to determine “WHAT TO DO ??” Then a guy with an authoritative air rushed in from the back to take charge and commanded “take down credit card numbers on paper !!!...........”What if they want to pay with cash ?"  one of the privates asked ……….”Humm, ??? OK, we can take cash”, he said. Obviously a guys who could Step Right Up under pressure.

As I made my way forward in the queue, I observed that the poor soldiers behind the counter were totally dis-combulated – Inching ever forward it became pretty clear that even though these front line folks were in a tizzy, the Kitchen was even worse.  I could leave now ……or not ?

I chose to be part of the science experiment playing out in front of me and stepped right up and placed my order. The FOUR ladies behind the counter were frazzled……….”Our Cash Register is Down” they bleated out to everyone in front of them, even though all of us in the line have heard the cries of doom with each preceding order they took.  It was a pitiful site, worthy of  Sally Struther’s voice-overs with each succeeding “guest”. After placing my order for the “Turkey Sandwich Special” they asked if it would be OK if I paid when the sandwich was delivered because “your cash register is down” I answered for them. They looked at each other like I was Karnak the Magnificent………”how’d HE know that ??”

So, for TWENTY minutes, I sat and watched the experiment continue until I finally asked about my order…..”Oh, would you mind giving it to us again ??..........Our Cash…”………”Register is down” I finished for them. (Again, same look of wonderment……….”how’d HE know ???”)

Finally I got my “Turkey Sandwich” and paid with Cash $8.93……….I gave then $9 and I THEN could not believe it………..Out pops THE CALCULATOR !!!....................”keep the change” , I mumbled as I walked back to my counter spot…………..oh, brother!

In my absence some young gents had decided it was now their counter and settled in. I just stood there and vibed them. It took about 15 seconds but they looked up and said “oh, was this your spot ?””, I just “gryelled” at them (growl-smile) and nodded. As they slid over I set my “special sandwich” down and open the box. JUST a sandwich wrapped in paper cut in half……nothing else, Ugh. At this point I was grouchy and hungry and took a huge bite. Chew, chew, chew, crunch, more crunch………..CRAP !!!..... ....BACON !!!  I have not eaten red meat in over 20 years !!!.....ERRRRrrrrrrr !!......That’s gonna be a problem.   As I did a Pick, pick, pick through the sandwich I reviewed the dozens of clues I chose to overlook to subject myself to this disappointment. Dozens. Then of course I did the full life review of other times I’ve made the choice to not heed the rather sophisticated (if I may say so myself) internal warning system I have in place for just such potential catastrophes.  As I pondered the review I picked through the other half of the sandwich to remove the swine and promised myself………..”Next time”. “Yep, next time for sure”.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pleasant Diversion

Pleasant Diversion
Nice clear mild day here in Space City today. Later than usual bike ride because of an early appointment, so I headed off to Rice for a ride/lunch. I sat with the pigeons who had commandeered all the outside tables and people watched while I dined on a Thanksgiving Special Sandwich, “humm, sure, why not?”   So, while shooing away my landlords,  I observed folks going in and out of the stores, already Holiday shopping and thought,  “yep, Houston certainly has a pulse”.  Suburbans, Hummers and Minivans all loaded to the max. Early bird gets the “bargains”, I guess. Good for them.
I headed back home and continued work on the Investment Model for our project. I had a nice “chat” with Edy and then needed to “tweak” another project we have going in Napa so final costs could be obtained. Some additional Cabinetry and Millwork Details (which I love to do) were required to wrap up the bid package…..It was a pleasant diversion.
I’ve noticed lately that the Human Interaction Game of “Ain’t it Awful” is still being played out strongly. It seems that most Social Media, Public Media and Sandwich Shop conversation is consumed with one story after another about “THE MAN, keeping a working brother down” , or the one I heard today at lunch (with the birds) “Did you hear about Jim X ? “ ,“ THEY took the Porsche” Yep, They TOOK the Porsche !!!”…cue Seinfield.   I did not ask to know any of this, but Jim’s very concerned friends continued on and on about Poor Jim until I finished my sandwich and got on my bike to go. Pigeons feasted on the crumbs ……..both Jim’s and mine.

As I rode through the various neighborhoods back home I thought of Poor Jim, who I don’t even know. Jim had a bad day. I’m sure it was not his 1st , but apparently the Porsche clinched it and made it a REALLY Bad Day. Jim, we’ve all been there and feel your pain, brother………..In our own way.

Again, I know nothing of Jim and his Porsche but I do know “The MAN” did not take Jim’s Porsche. Neither did the President or Exxon or Aquarius Rising or the Euro Crisis. Jim “donated” his Porsche because he wanted to, granted he didn’t know it,  but he did not want the Porsche …OR he’d still have it !!  Karma aside, we “donate” what we no longer “need”.  Jim will look back at this as the BEST worst day of his life someday. Why ?  Because,Jim now has an opportunity to make another move.

On the rare occasion that someone will ask my opinion on “What’s Wrong with America Today?” I reply very simply. “Chess Clubs’ Look it up!!”  Our GDP and GNP only started to slide when Chess Clubs were taken out of High School. Think about NOT TEACHING YOUR KIDS to think beyond the FIRST MOVE !!!  No wonder we are in such a mess. Everyone takes one move and STOPS. NO forward thinking, NONE…what’s next, then next then next…???. Welfare would have to GO – BS Political Lobbyists and Elected Officials – Outtahere !! – Heck with the Debates – Sit the schmucks down at the 18“ x 18”  Chess board and let the games begin !! Frankly, I’m glad to see that Jousting is having a resurgence – That would be even better. I think it’s criminal, stupid and evidence in and of itself the results of such actions to remove these clubs and the other “electives” they have nixed. (Oh, Lord stop me now because I’m ready to attack “HS Sports” and this is not the state to do that in.)   Then, I feel it’s a parents responsibility to “pick up” where the schools have failed……..You can see why I’m rarely invited to parties……………….(more than once).

Anyway, I watched a TED video early this AM about a 12 year old young man who has been inventing APPs for the Iphone/Ipad for 2 years !!!  I also watched a 60 Minutes episode about a University in Maryland that has a stellar graduation rate for Math and Sciences. I am heartened when I hear these types of stories. I am a huge believer that a human being can do ANYTHING in this Country at this time and place. Sure there is a lot of uncertainty OUT there. That IS a fact. The key is to turn off the TV,  STOP playing the “Human Interaction Game” and learn to “Castle”.  It’s a pleasant diversion.     

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family Values

Family Values
I had to turn off the computers for a bit as today’s promised thunderstorms blew through. They were impressive as they announced their entry. I took my glass of water off the desk and went outside to watch them from the patio as they made their entrance. Thunder shook, boomed and shuddered the surrounding buildings and the accompanying light show did a good job of trying to reach out and touch a few SW Air Flights as they made their final approach into Hobby for on time arrivals.

Earlier, I had taken the bike out for a spin to scout a few more properties before the storm hit. I was able to get some good inside information from some DPW crews working near one site. Folks are pretty unguarded when a guy on a bike asks questions. "Bond, James Bond."

I watched the storm continue to blow through and gazed across the street at the corporate headquarters of one of the larger corporations in the USA that is still family owned.  I was reminded of a conversation I had earlier in the day with a friend of mine about the 60’s, music, long hair, parents and colored glasses.

Gazing at the logo of this behemoth of a company, I watched as rain dripped off the polished stainless steel. Reflections of adjoin structures kept shifting off the wet black granite walls in various shades of grey as the storm made its way north. I then began to think of the various VALUES of grey, from white to black, as in drawings or photography, and then the number of shades of grey that can be observed at any one time.

We’re also a Family Business, a very small Family Business that now spans three generations. Our members for the most part have a good balance of Black / White ratio and therefore the values remain in the pleasing range, (allowing one can actually reduce human beings to a graphic equivalent).  

Pre-photoshop,  we used to have to adjust the gradient values obtainable on black and white film by the use of colored glass filters, both in the field and in the darkroom. To find a pleasing balance when shooting in difficult or non-ideal circumstances, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue and Orange would be used, all yield differing impacts to the final image. More contrast / less contrast, brighter skies / darker skies, there was no one right answer. It was an experiment that could go on and on in the darkroom for hours or days until satisfied, or not.  All it took was time, patience and creativity for the desired outcome to emerge. If the outcome was less than  desirable, then it was time to start fresh and do it again……….with more creativity.

Because we’re dynamic and not graphic images, our values shift and change depending on numerous variables. Often what feels like the brighter side of the scale by one, is perceived by others to be sliding down into the dark side by others.  We also have a collective value that shifts and adjusts as we all engage in our individual lives and then come in and out of each other’s, collectively . Light/Dark and all that lies in-between are always possible if we commit the time and patience to see the desired outcome emerge.
Creativity is also useful.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I got my ride in early today and returned home to keep working on our latest project, it’s intense.
One of the many gifts of Taos was finally figuring out that I no longer needed a downtown office.  Until then, my entire career has been based out of Main Street addresses.  I had a mentor who lived by several business beliefs, one being a Main Street Location. (He had many others that perhaps I’ll get to later.) I bought into that thinking and held on tight for decades.  I’m not talking golf club tight, I’m talking hanging off a cliff on a rope tight.  
Even with all the time I was away from the actual office(s), I could never envision NOT having one or two addresses going at the same time, including staff. Forget about the expenses associated with multiple EVERYTHING and the loss of productivity while going to and fro for decades. The real “clincher” for me was realizing that I had not had a client visit me in any of my fancy schmancy offices for years. I always went to them. Why ??? Because there was no business where my offices were located!!!

Despite the knowledge that there was no regional business and the fact that I need to fly all over the world to “find business” I was stuck with the original business model that compelled me to think I had to have a downtown address and all that goes with it.  It was an outdated belief, one of many expired ones that have come up for review lately.

So, kicking and screaming I moved into the Studio in our home. The 1st thing that happened was that our grandchildren immediately took desk space. One of the 1st places they would visit when they came over“Grandpa, don’t touch my project”. ….….”Where is that Cool Green Pencil?”...... ..”Grandpa, when are we going to look at pictures?” We had such a blast !

I have a number of friends/colleagues in various industries that are just now discovering the benefits of working in a Cloud. They too had their struggles with the concept and questioned their own outdated beliefs to finally embrace the concept. ( I’ll tell you right now working in a cloud is a heck of a lot better and living in one.)

As far as offices go, I have never looked back.
Even when this new venture gets off the ground and needs a Sales Office, I’m staying right here.
You never can tell when someone might need a Cool Green Pencil.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011



 I woke up early and wrote Edy a long email. She’s still in Taos with 2 of our 3 grandsons and I miss her a lot.  The writing energized me, so I headed off to Rice University for a longer than usual bike ride. They’re getting longer and longer. It was warm and the sun was out, but I could see the clouds building in the South. Rain is coming again. Lord, we need it.

This year has been one of the worst droughts on record. While I was working on the Ranch we were losing decades old trees at a rate of one a week. Lush fields and pastures turned to dust. Dead stands of old growth trees were everywhere. Lakes and streams dried up.    It was horrible. In town the last count I read for trees lost was around 2MM – Wow that is a lot of trees !!!  Add to that, water mains that continue to “pop” because of the lost stability of the surrounding soil and as they say around here “It’s a Shi$ Storm of a Mess”, block after block. These are the kinds of conditions that have caused civilizations to crumble. Some parts of the country expect this kind of problem, not here.  It’s an anomaly.

In our business over the past few years we’ve seen decades old firms come crashing down like old oaks. We have friends and colleagues who have lost everything and had to pull up stakes and either move or find a new skill after a lifetime of successful practice. We experienced our own version of drought during a portion of our time in Taos and it tested us to the core of our being. We are grateful everyday that we moved here. Drought or not, Texas at least has a “pulse”.

I decided I needed a bit of nature today and drove over to the Bayou to visit some gardens that Edy and I enjoy. It was sad to see the extent of the drought damage even on the Bayou. The water was still so low. The gardens were in pretty severe shape because of the extreme heat of the summer and lack of water. I walked path after path seeing various shades of browns and grays below my feet and again in the distance. I took a side path that I thought would lead me down into the bayou and found a lone Dogwood off in the shade. It was partially in bloom and struggling.  It’s leaves were mottled and stressed but it was using it’s last bit of energy to ensure that there would be another generation this spring.  It was a most beautiful anomaly.

Saturday, November 12, 2011



I spent the early morning out in my bike running errands and came home to plan out the rest of the day, since I had goofed off yesterday. A front blew in on my way back, so the sunny day I enjoyed in the early AM changed to drizzle and overcast pretty quickly. Though my plans for the day were undefined, I felt them unraveling.

Edy and I are both Virgos – Our B-days are 1 year and 1 day apart.
Truth is, we’re something like quadruple or quintuple Virgos based on our astrological charts. We’re the 1st on the scene for any kind of inefficiency and can smell something in need of a fix from miles away.  We love analysis, details, tidiness (her more than me) and enjoy the ability to solve complex problems. (x4 or x5 as the case may be) This is all good for “tasks and plans” and problems that need to be solved but a real challenge if all one wants to do is CHILL.

I’ve been doing the same job since I was 15 years old.
Like most entrepreneurs, I found it necessary to devote all of my energy to “growing” my businesses. When work dried up in one location I’d sniff out new prospects in other places.  I traveled for decades around the country and world for projects. I then commuted every Saturday for years between offices in New England and New Mexico to” keep the plates spinning”.  I used to joke that my home was “Delta - Seat 5A”. Some mornings,  I’d wake up and have to look at the ceilings to remember where the heck I was.  Vigas = NM – Plaster =  MA.    When we arrived in Texas for our latest project I commuted almost 1000 miles a week for a bit over a year and was on call on weekends.

There has always been a something that needed to be done………………someplace.

So, try as I might to figure out what I wanted to do for the day, I was stumped.  I reviewed my list of things to accomplish this week and found that all the items had been checked off previously, except for the ironing of a few new dress shirts. I plugged in the iron, filled the water sprayer and ironed with military precision. The creases on the sleeves were like sword blades, cuffs like cannon barrels and the collars stood at attention.  Success !!

I then took a nap.  I’ve earned it.

Friday, November 11, 2011


It was a very cool morning here and I decided to head out early for an extra long bike ride. Although I had on a light jacket, the ride was refreshing and I did not break much of a sweat. I stopped at a little European Café we like and had a small breakfast and read the free local “mullet wrapper”. I then took a swing by a couple of shops and just gazed from afar at what they were showcasing.  Xmas decorations are already out……….ugh.
I rode home faster than usual, even after taking a few side road detours to see where they lead. I was energized. Once, home I decided I was in need of “inspiration” today and decided to head out to the MFA to see the new Dutch Masters exhibit that was advertised in the paper I had just read.  I was going to play hooky all day and was excited to get it rolling.

I quickly showered and got dressed and went out to the car and put the key in the ignition…………….click. Tried it again, zip.  CRAP !!!  Fortunately, I’m a good boy scout and had jumpers and tools in the storage unit. I decided to test the cells 1st before trying to flag down a jump. ZIP!!! The darned thing was dead !!

JOSS  is a Chinese catch-all phrase that means both Good and Bad Luck, Fortune and Mis-Fortune, Life Purpose or lack there-of , It can also relate to a deity or god …..etc…..  Some days I love the word and all it represents, other days I wish I’d never heard it before.

Bring on the trusty bike.
I load the old battery on the back carry tray of the bike and peddled as fast as I could over to Costco for a new battery. Friday noon, the line in the auto department out the door.
CRAP x2 !!!  (JOSS)
I wait my turn, pay, exchange the old for core credit, load the new and repeat the path. Reconnected and on the road in less than  !!! 2 HOURS !!!  (JOSS)

Museum Parking Lot is FULL (JOSS) when I arrive and I headed over to the Garage to see if there was space. Hooray. Tons of it  !!! (JOSS)  I also notice that the Tutankhamun Exhibit is now showing. (JOSS)  I decide to go there first and then head over to the Rembrants and Vermeers afterward. It was going to be a “two-fer” day (JOSS x2)  

The Egyptian exhibit was crowded  but underwhelming in terms of Boy King Artifacts. There were a few small ones and they were nice but I was looking forward to an exhibition like the 70’s in NYC. Oh well, at least I saw it. I then headed off to the other building to see the paintings that I really wanted to see anyway. As I walked past the other exhibits on my way I recalled other museums where I had gazed on “The Masters”. The quality of light they captured, the use of color and delicacy of the brush strokes …..I was ready for a “review”.

I marched down the corridor and turned left just as the signs told me to, I walked up to the large opening banner and saw that there was no line at all !!!  I felt a big Yippee inside myself. All the previous hassle of the day was actually a good thing because I have missed the crowds and will have the entire exhibit to myself. The Gods have combined to shine brightly on me. I must be quite special to them on this 11-11-11, Full Moon, Most Auspicious day.  I can’t wait !!

I proudly displayed my “patron” sticker to the Security Guard lest she think I was just a member.
She smiled ever so sweetly and said, “Sir, it opens on Sunday” (JOSS)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


                       Sometimes I forget that Opportunity can also knock at the side door.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011



I went to look at some properties early today for our current project. Some were nice, others were better than nice. l spent the morning contacting Brokers and as of 3:00pm this afternoon only one had returned my call to say “we’re under contract on that parcel”. That was IT!
How about a bit of dialog?
Like, “I understand you are looking for property for the project you outlined to me, would another parcel nearby interest you?” How about a little bit of give a XXXX !!? We’re talking $MM$ here!! I was annoyed. I get SO annoyed with folks who live the “NO”.

Contrast this with the company doing some promotional materials for us. These folks call when they say they’re going to, accept custom designs and provide proofs at no charge. Then call back later to say they’ve just seen the strike-offs and they are “stunning”. “Of course there is no extra charge, we “quoted you” . They’re friendly and personable. All for a few hundred bucks of an initial order. Gotta love it, folks who are living in the “YES”.

Anyway, being a guy who never lets a good mad disperse easily, I fought the urge to “correct the situation with a simple phone call” and instead forced a bike ride to shake it off.

The cold front that brought the rain yesterday cooled things off and also brought a nice stiff breeze with it. The wind was against my face and chest the entire way south as I headed for Rice University. I pumped up quite a sweat even in the chill and my legs started burning earlier than usual as I worked to let the mad loose mile after mile. As I turned east I got a nice semi-side breeze at about  2:30 to my face. In sailing we’d call this a Close Reach.

It’s the best wind for a mono-hull to perform to its fullest design potential. Trim those sails and let her RIP....faster , faster !! The challenge with this point of sail is that the closer you haul to increase speed the closer you are to The Irons”.

The Irons are the no man’s land of sailing.
It’s when your bow is faced dead into the wind. You can even try to go a few degrees port/starboard but you are still “in irons”, you're going nowhere !! Sometimes working HARD just works against you because the tide, waves or other elements are “not in your favor”.
It’s an unhappy place.

So, I continued east and stopped for a bit at the ½ price book store to see what they had (nothing). Then I peddled around the various shops and watched the people, still trying to shake off my mad from earlier. It occurred to me as I was riding that I had put myself in IRONS.
ME, not the Broker.

This morning, I had been cruising along slowly developing the options for the property for this project and then began running Close Hauled with high hopes and expectations for the new parcel I had discovered. Faster, Faster !! I already had a movie going about the next steps needed to complete the project. I was in LaLa land. When I received his call I was actually just disappointed. I turned it into a mad to mask the HUGE Bummer I was feeling.
YES and NO all in one.

I circled the shops a few more times and headed back home to start looking for more listings again. It was smooth sailing all the way.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

EZ Bake

EZ Bake
I’m deep in the middle of developing a major investment model for one of our current projects. It’s about as intense a project as I’ve ever undertaken and has taken years of research and energy to get this far. The client is unyielding, demanding and a PITA perfectionist.   Me.
When I am in “work mode” I tend to focus on a particular “problem” for days on end without coming up for air. This is good for the “problem” but not so good for “life”. So, I have been re-training myself to take breaks every few hours and NOT work through the night anymore. I’m finding it’s better to let the problems bake a bit longer than die (while still breathing). 
My new favorite “break” is to get out and ride my bike.   Everything we need is within biking distance. Today I was able to hit the hardware store, lumber yard and book store before the predicted rains came. When it started pouring, I took the long way home.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Measure Twice

Measure Twice

When I was forming the teams required to produce a recent project, I used my mental rolodex to call upon Vendors I had a long track record with to help me. Some of these folks I’ve used for 35+ years. They put me in touch with regional representatives and we “did business”.  I had lunch today with one of these reps and we discussed the goings on in his industry, windows. Boring and fascinating all in one.

His parent company got the contract from me because they produced a quality product at a fair price and could get them to me on time. He got the job because he worked for it.  I am one of those folks who buy because of “quality people” not just the stuff they sell.  Last year was 100+/- units.

When I started SDA in the 80’s I had a cool German Banker who was a “big fan” of my work. We worked near each other downtown and would have lunch often. We’d discuss art, politics, and basically “fix the world", one week at a time. He asked me once in his German accent, if I was “CRrrrAZY” to be in the business I am in? “Don’t you know that America is turning into an ALL FOR A DOLLAR Store and you are trying to “do what you do” for an ever shrinking market that could care less and less year after year”?? 
“YIKES, Dieter, you’re freaking me out!!”

Fast forward a couple of years and soon the term “McMansion” is entered into our lexicon. I would visit monster homes that were essentially unfurnished because it was all “on the outside”. These folks were so leveraged that they HAD to eat out with their friends because they were too fearful to have people over to see the shell. When they could finally afford to furnish they had x2 hardships because the monster home was built like crap and the builder had gone belly up because he too was leveraged beyond his capacity to service the warranties. The same thing was happening on the Commercial front with even bigger liabilities.  I built a life fixing others people’s mistakes.

Despite preaching the “gospel” about doing it right the 1st time, I found that Dieter’s prophesies were becoming more and more true,  with just a few exceptions.  It was these exceptions that fueled my drive and commitment to do it better each time with more creativity and saved my sanity.

The lunch conversation today revolved around “sanity”, with both of us coming from a different perspective. Neither willing to go back to the life of fixing other peoples mistakes but, committed to putting in all the time and energy needed to educate our "clients” to help them make informed choices and do it right the 1st time.    

Now, I’m the client for our own new projects and we’re “doing it right.” 
Window contracts were let today and I got lunch out of the deal.
It was more than a dollar.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I’ve been up since 6am working on a particularly challenging roof issue that is part of a current project.   It’s complex and has taken a few iterations over many days to finally make it right.
This morning I finally “nailed it”. It will be beautiful.

While working, I had a brief chat with Edy as she walked in the freezing temps of the high deserts of New Mexico. That conversation along with the science of the roofing issue got me thinking about expansion and contraction.  In-Out, More-less, Full-Empty, Sadness-Joy….etc…

As a younger man I used to love to run.
At first I hated it, because as a kid I was almost full grown before I was 11 and ran like a dork. All legs and absolutely no coordination, so I gravitated toward football and baseball where I could smash the heck out of something/someone to keep the focus off of anything that had to do with running. It worked. Later, I really got into boxing and that lead to running again and I guess I just grew into myself………………(coordination is yet to be mastered).

I lived in Naples,FL and worked a few blocks from the beach. I’d run up the beach road half way then cut over to the beach and do the rest on the sand at the tide line. The last few hundred yards would be a sprint and I would try to expand my lungs as far, far, far  as possible ………..then even MORE……. before slowing toward cool down.  When boxing I’d get SO winded past round 4 that the “breathing MORE” came in very handy and I was glad I had it in me.   Businesses, babies, homes, offices, galleries and “stuff” all took the place of beach runs and boxing.   I "evolved" to breathe for survival only.

Edy is a long time Yoga devotee and she once explained to me that in that practice the exhale is AS important as the inhale. I had never thought of that before………???   Expansion / Contraction as equals. I like it - “Making Room”.......or More Room as the case may be.

For the last few years we have been ridding ourselves of all the “stuff” accumulated over 40+ years (read hording, on my end).  Artworks, furnishings, household / office / gallery stuff, stuff, stuff and more stuff. It was VERY hard to do initially, as I was certain every item had a deep and irreplaceable context in my future life. Guess what? I have not missed ONE THING. Today I attacked the “Levis” and the rest of my closet.   Goodwill will be very happy.    I have a storage unit that will be addressed next as the “MORE” in this latest exhale……………..then, we’ll just have to stay tuned to see what treasures manifest with the next inhale..............then MORE.....   

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Indulge me

Indulge me
Edy and I walked over to the movie theater last night.
It’s not a big deal from a cardio standpoint because it’s only ½ a block away and it gives us just the right amount of time to “switch gears” and prepare to “have fun”.

The movie was a bit goofy but very entertaining.
Popcorn and Dr. Pepper were the standard issue snacks, as always. I don’t drink sodas except when I’m out at the movies and then, only “The Dr.” 

It may sound a bit strange that we have to actually “prepare” to have fun, but it’s true.
We’re the kind of couple that would make a lot of folks run for the hills, in fact we have made folks run for the hills. Not on purpose of course, but because…………..well, we are kind of INTENSE!!

It’s nothing for us to spend 3 or 4 hours in the morning in conversation before the Day has begun and then picking it up again……….and again and again during the day….into the evening ……til the next day and then we start again. If traveling it is via cell/txt/emails. All this between work, books, research, phone calls etc….She is the most fascinating person I know, on so many levels; She is my love.

At the airport today we discussed the following topics in the hour we were waiting to get in line for TSA:
Masculine-Feminine Energy - as it relates to Race, Income Levels and Cultures
Relationship Evolution – Short Term / Long term / Transitioning in/out
Child Psychology – Parinatal Development
Fashion (a favorite topic)
Real Estate Development
National Security
When we got up to get in line, there was a lady standing around the corner from where we were sitting, she looked at us and I could see that if given the opportunity we would only be seeing her back and roll-on cresting the hills in the distance. She was in shock.

 We “work hard to lighten up”.
Movies, Museums and now the Zoo have taken the place of tennis, golf and shopping for now.
Of course the to / fro any of these activities are fare game for “conversation”………we had someone mention the other day to us to pick a couple of articles in the newspaper and discuss them in lieu of our more in-depth subject matter – ARE YOU NUTS ??? we have world, national, regional and local affairs completed BEFORE  we start on our “daily convo” …………..we’re hopeless.

Anyway, I walked Edy to the TSA Checkpoint and gave her a big kiss goodbye.
I noticed the Security agent said something her after checking all her paperwork.  We waved and I headed off to the car while she prepared for the gyrations required to make it through the gauntlet to the gate.

When I got to the car there was a text message from her saying:
The TSA guy said he was a “BIG fan of Love” ………….Ah, just what the Dr. ordered.