Saturday, February 18, 2012

Paper or Plastic ?

Paper or Plastic?

Crazy Thunderstorms rolled in throughout the night and morning made sleeping “interesting”. I like thunderstorms. While driving through one a couple of days ago Edy and I discussed viewing them from the warmth of a cozy hotel room on the beach, which is fun (and safe) while calling for room service……..ahhh, living the dream !!  I like them from boats, on the beach and even viewing them from afar as I get a huge rush from the energy they contain. I love the way they come on the stage in an almost operatic manner. In the distance, then  air changing temperature, direction / smell…hairs on your skin start to stand and then WOOSH……..Light shows, acoustical bombardment, uncertainty of random strikes , powerful rain, hail and more acoustical bombardments ……then fading away into the distance leaving a trail of refuse and cleanliness all in one……Love IT !!….. We were out of Rice Milk this morning so it was a perfect excuse to run out, get wet and serve my wife a little wake up coffee and muffin in bed………….ahhh, living the dream….!!  

While checking out with my room service items I received the standard cashier question “paper or plastic?” …..”paper” I said as I fished through my wallet for a few bills (paper)  to see if I had enough cash or if I had to use the card (plastic)……kinda funny, I chuckled as I presented a stack of ones I’d been saving for just this occasion.

I had my first private Bikram Yoga lesson yesterday. Edy and I did a 10am session and saw my instructor as we were leaving. She came into my face and said “WHAT are you doing?? You’re gonna DIE !!!” ……..”It’s a good day to die” I replied in my best Sitting Bull voice. Edy and I went home had some lunch showered and I returned to meet my demise.

Bikram Yoga is 26 postures in a 105 degree room at about 60% humidity. It is supposed to mimic the climate of Southern India………,all over the world. Our 10am class felt like 120 and 80% and the Private Lesson felt like 140 and 90%. It was two + hours long and addressed my “form” or lack there-of for each of the postures. It was hard, darned hard but I came away with several important insights:

1.     Past Injuries and the pain they contain are 95% Fear Based. I tended to “pamper” them and actually increased the chances of further injury as opposed to pushing through to the next level and letting them relax completely.

2.     The Poses I was most comfortable with and thought were my favorite were so because I was doing them wrong and in a lazy manner.

3.     Others I thought I was doing improperly because they felt so “weird” were actually my better ones.

4.     I am a heck of a lot stronger than I thought and flexibility is happening, albeit slowly.

Something tells me these awareness’s might go beyond yoga ?

We decided to do yoga later today. It gives me a chance to write this and wrap up a plan to pass along to one of my Engineers; Edy has stuff she wants to do too. As I drew this morning on my computer I was reminded of all the hours of actual “drawing” that I used to do on paper. Rolls and Rolls of paper…….now I use “clouds” to store my drawings so all of the consultants can access them by-passing the plastic Discs and CDs we used exchange in the interim completely…….Humm,… Paper, Plastic, Clouds ???..............

The rain has slowed to a drizzle, time to go and see what Edy is up to.

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