Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Additional Research Required

Additional Research Required

Edy and I cut short our morning chat session so we could both do a few things. We reconvened for lunch and picked right up where we left off, while sandwiches were being made. Our “LivingProof” models are up again on in a number of areas and we discussed how universal concepts can take on new light and life when packaged for the appropriate audience.
We kept our conversation going as Edy finished her sandwich earlier than I did and began prepping tonight’s dinner.  Roasted root veggies with mushrooms and greens, yum! As she was washing the mud off the beets and peeling them she remarked on how beautiful the resulting pattern was within the skinned beet. I agreed and grabbed the camera, macro lens and a reflector for a “portrait”.
We then continued our discussion about threads of long held beliefs and their re-shuffling into a more current, relevant or appealing framework and how that translates into mass interest then finally into mass integration. Once integrated they become fabric for individuals, families, societies ….etc.. to use on a daily basis.  
Examples abound.  Google did not invent information – Wiki did not invent the encyclopedia – Van Gough did not invent paint, South West Airlines did not invent the airplane and Evangelists did not invent GOD. Each one of these and millions of other “smart” folks took what was there, tweaked it and put a bow on it and then launched it out to the masses. Granted tweaking and bows are the key here and not to be glossed over.
We are noticing more and more folks we know taking things they are passionate about, packaging them for mass consumption and either reaping wonderful rewards or falling quite short of their stated objectives. The two key elements that seem to separate success from failure (not that failure is bad) are Light and Life.
When a person or organization wants to experience victories they shine their light out for all to see. This light draws in certain individuals or other organizations yet also shines on the flaws and mis-alignments of the light source. What is done with those newly revealed inclusions will test the ability of the source to move forward, cleanly.
In my business, we seek a “Living” Building” model as a key to developing the highest level of construction and technology for a built environment. As it turns out this too needs to be re-vamped to include re-generation, so that the life continues to thrive within the structure. The same holds for people and organizations, some mechanism for regeneration must be present for life to continue. I’m not talking about botox and stem-cell creams because we’ve all seen enough dead 30 year olds to know that perky skin and a beating heart is NOT a sign of life.  I’m talking about the core of our Living Proof model – “What is my life’s purpose?”
Again, we did not invent this universal human question, but we are the first group to actively develop the data modeling and tracking to continue the research. Yet, like many others before us as we shine the light we find the need to re-align and refine our model to ensure that the life we seek will indeed be regenerative and thrive for future generations.
Personally, I struggle with what I do, as opposed to who I am? Too many years of do-ing has clouded my ability to really feel what really gives me light and life and just as important, what lets me shine each of those qualities out for all to see.  
It's a starting point, additional research is required.

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