Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cool Hyper-Giants

Lunation Series                      Winter Solstice #8                                            c-2006

Cool Hyper-Giants

Today has been a day of ease and flow. Light Sunday brunch, yoga, a little shopping and home to keep the good times rolling before we head out in a few days to visit the Taos gang.

Every week we get a nice astrological post from a lady we like. This week spoke about the new moon on Tuesday and its relationship with NML-Cygni.  .NML-Cygni is a Cool Hyper Giant Star which means its color ranges are more toward the yellow orange spectrum as opposed to Hot Hyper Giants which are blue to white. One extremely “cool” thing about them is that they was billions of times larger than our own sun and have the exponential energy output you would associate with that kind of mass. So graphically a pin point on a basketball would be about ¼ the size needed to be an accurate Sun, then the earth pin pointed on the sun and then you and I pinpointed at 1000000x reduction on the earth and well.. you get the “point” , they’re BIG– (pun intended).

Whenever I think of stars I always think of light and the time it takes for light to get to us and what has transpired from then – til now. I used to have a cool telescope I bought to look at the heavens in Taos. I used it less than a dozen times. When I did use it I was always amazed at what was out there through the glaze of our atmosphere. Moons of Jupiter were always a favorite as was our own moon at high magnification.   Nebulae other planets and just the sheer number of stars was breath-taking.

Today as I read about the moon cycling around again on Fat Tuesday in line with Cool Hyper Giants I thought about Mardi Gras, Human Evolution and Camera Shutters. Mardi Gras because I have fond memories of living in NOLA during that time and remember it every year, Human Evolution in terms of “us” even knowing about Cool Hyper Giants and Camera Shutters because as I looked through the telescope I was like a human camera shutter capturing a moment of time/life of each of the stars, planets and galaxies in my mind for future recall. My own “cerebral cloud” backup system; my memory.

I heard a teacher at yoga this morning share with a student a very intimate personal experience he had during one of his teacher training sessions. He shared about remembering deeply held beliefs that came to the surface during the intensity of his training experience and the emotional response that welled from the deepest parts of his core as they were met and released. He was not prompted to share this information, he offered it freely. I remain touched.  

Which then got me thinking about the Willy Nelson song, “My Heroes have always been Cowboys” .   Looking deeper into the graphics of pin-points, within pin-points, within pin points over the millennia,  I see that I am actually surrounded by some VERY Cool Hyper Giants within my own Village. We pool our energies to “keep shining” and doing whatever is needed to ensure the next generation of “stars” can also shine as bright as possible. All this light exposes a lot for all to see and also casts shadows. They are all addressed as they emerge ….one by one…in their own time.......…. Only Heroes can wrestle shadows…………We are a village of heroes!  

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