Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keeping It All Together

Keeping It All Together

I had some time this morning to play with my camera and learn a bit more about its exposure settings as I am way more familiar with film than CMOS sensors, for now. This came on the heels of learning another new “trick” within my CADD program yesterday. I have been using the same software for over 20 years but still learn new things about it constantly. Program Depth, I believe it’s called and it keeps me humble.

Parenting has been a big topic recently; partly because we’re visiting grandchildren, partially because it just “is”. I was reading a post from a young mother this morning on FB about challenges of having a house full of sick children all under 4 and thought, “yep, MOTHER, that is a very hard job”.

Dad’s go to work, fix things and do their best to add their specific nurturing element to a family, but Moms……..Moms keep it all together. Embodying the most sacred of the feminine in bringing forth the members of the family and keeping the container of “spirit” going through rain, sleet and the darkest nights…… Moms rock in their tireless devotion to the family and the individual members.

When Grandson #1 and I were going through the “powers” of the specific Chess Pieces yesterday, we quickly went through the pawns, rooks, knights, bishops and spent a bit more time with the King and Queen.  “The King has the power to win/loose the game but the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board”. He shook his head yes, “of course”…………….no more explanation needed……………he witnesses it every day.

Our Village is gifted with 4 extremely powerful “Queens” (although in truth, one is still a young “Princess” and will probably always stay that way in my mind). Having learned at the knee of the Queen of Queens I marvel at their abilities to instinctively love, nurture, protect and grow their families to achieve the levels of “life” they know is held within each DNA strand. It’s awe inspiring in its beauty and simplicity.  

I often wonder just how the Queens are supported in their efforts and an image emerged while shooting photos yesterday. Together the King and Queen can keep the tension to a minimum IF the King can support his Queen fully. Not as a replacement Queen but fully AS King. Queens can never be replaced except by other Queens; But when circumstances occur that Queens must also be Kings, this seems to work just fine because Queens can pull it off. They can rule and nurture forever as their reserve powers are seemingly endless. Not so for Kings.  Kings powers diminish as they try to become Queens. Their triumphs and conquests of yore are soon replaced by frustration and lack because the requisite skills do not exist. The more he tries to gain these powers the less King-ly he becomes and soon only chaos reigns the castle.  It’s endemic in our society and spans all social strata. I learned it first hand and now do not kid myself for one second, because I know who is Keeping it all together in our Village.

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