Monday, February 20, 2012

No Regrets !

      Edy's V-Day Lillies -2012

No Regrets
Edy and I went to yoga this morning. It was hot ! I’ve been trying out my new skills learned during my private session last Friday and feel a lot of improvement. The biggest challenge will be undoing three decades of sitting on my butt and more specifically every second helping of anything and everything I’ve ever indulged in since day one that resides on my core in the form of added insulation. Despite the fact that I don't drink or eat red meat, I've found other indulgences that I now see in the mirror every morning and yet, I regret nothing!!

My 60 day Bikram Challenge will be off by a few days because we are going to be visiting kids/grandkids but I feel good about that too and regret nothing.  I’ll be doing a lot of outdoor activities, working on projects and playing with kids; I’m really excited about the trip and told Edy that “we’re going bye-bye  in the morning” as we left our neighborhood sushi place today; practicing my grandpa corn for the kids……………..she endures me,they endure me too.

I have a fun project I’m working on that offers just the right balance of creativity, drudgery, and mystery to keep me interested. Should either of them gain too much importance I get bogged down in the minutia and lose momentum. The owners are nice folks with a good vision and I am very grateful to be part of it. It is so much different than other projects I’ve been involved with but also exactly the same as others so it has a life of its own and there is an element of humor in it that is refreshing. I need more humor in all parts of my life.

We stopped by the storage closet to grab a suitcase when we got home from lunch and I got a tingle in my gut as I pulled it from the upper stack. Many, many years of travel. Many, many duplicates of things scattered all over the country in various “homes and offices”. There is an old Firesign Theater skit about   “How can you be two places at once when you’re not anywhere at all?” ……….I got it then, I get it now.

“Home is where Edy is”. That is an important statement because I’ve never felt like I had a home, ever. I moved a lot as a kid and tried to fill in the blank with "properties" in adult-hood to no avail.  The closest was our place in Taos but that turned out to also be an illusion. Our place here is nice. We love our neighborhood and location but if we had to pack up tomorrow to go elsewhere, I’d be ok with that too; as long as it was “Me and Edy”, the where doesn't really matter.

Every trip back to Taos brings up “stuff”.
Dreams thwarted, winters,springs,summers,autumns of discontent, memories of people, places, things past …This trip feels a bit different in that I’m really excited about seeing everyone and spending time with them. Sure we had hard times in Taos, who hasn’t ? It’s the place that tests everyone who dares to go there. I’m no different, although for the longest time I was cetain I was. It feels good to be able to return to the place that actually showed me what I was made of and give heartfelt thanks for the opportunity know me just a little bit more. No Regrets!

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