Thursday, December 8, 2011

Now, For Something Completely Different

      Rusty Philosophy Series                                                                                                 Motherwell #32

Now, For Something Completely Different
Another cool morning here and I decided to put on my maid’s uniform (mentally) and clean the house. We’ve been between housekeepers for a little while now for various reasons centering around the word “dis-satisfaction” so, I decided to devote a couple of hours to it since we both enjoy a “clean house”.

For the most part I am blind to my surroundings, which is odd because of my "profession" (more on this in the future) The exception was when I would come home from the ranch and walk in the front door and notice at once that  “Something” was different.  Was it a  smell, a little sparkle in the bathroom………”something”…..humm???   Until it hit me that it was cleaning day and the cleaners must have just left……………………(unless I could hear them in the other room at which point I refer to the previous paragraph.)
Edy is in charge of all things “home”. In-fact I say with all sincerity that “HOME is where Edy is” and I meant it.  Edy takes care of all the things domestic from budgets to staff coordination including being the spiritual center of our family. It’s a lot considering she has her own full life to attend to and today was a busy day for her.

So, I started with the few things that make me nuts.
Dirty baseboards  and HVAC diffusers. On my knees then up on a ladder. Check. Then on to the dusting, kind of fun actually knowing that all these dust particles will soon be in the Dyson on their way to the dumpster……………wipe down, bathrooms , vacuum, final wipe – Empty the Trash/Recycling – Check

I’m sure a lot of folks find the “Zen Place” in their work or hobbies. Sometimes I struggle with things at work or on a project for hours and days until I find “the groove” and suddenly more hours and days are lost as the “flow” just happens. I used to have a very large “shop” that would open that place quickly and also when sailing the current of “flow” seemed to run without any kinks. Today’s cleaning was like that too. All of a sudden 2 hours had past and I was ready for a well deserved bike ride.

I went for a long ride, it was cool to start but the burn soon warmed me up and I was sweating.
I rode over to a women’s shop I like to pre-view some goodies for Edy for Xmas. I walked in the door and started looking around. The women know me from previous visits and all said “Hi” hoping for a nice sale. “Just on a ReCon mission today ladies”, I said while strolling through the spaces.   I found a number of good contenders for gifts while I went from rack to rack. As I was circling around for another viewing I got a whiff of something most unpleasant………..ME.  “Whoops !”,  I said as I made my way out the door, “Hope you have some incense ? “.  “Sorry to waft my way through your nice lingerie store”,  I said to the manager. They all were polite but I was certain I saw the Nag Champa box through the window coming out of the back as I put my helmet on outside.

I rode the long way to the Market and picked up some flowers and goodies for my wife and rode an even longer way home exploring sights and sounds along the route.

As I arrived home and opened the front door I noticed at once that something was different.

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