Monday, December 19, 2011

Check Please !

Check Please!
I rode my bike directly into the wind this morning all the way to the Acupuncture Clinic to get some herbs for allergies and inflammation in my Achilles tendon which seems not to want to heal fully despite almost a year of pampering.  Headwinds are both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because they cool me off, curse because of the additional energy required to keep up speed. One of the Drs was there to assist in her always cheerful manner. I then proceeded down a busy boulevard toward Rice University, coming in from the back side of usual path I take.
My destination was a particular women’s shop I like to get a little something for Edy for Xmas. The ladies were helpful and I found what I wanted quickly. I warned them before entering that I was “fragrant” from my ride and that I’d be fast. They chuckled but reached for the Glade anyway as I was leaving.
Rain was forecast for all of today and I was sure that I was going to get wet going home. I was glad the bag I had Edy’s gift in was waterproof and tied snugly to the tail of the bike as I worked my way back. Edy was home when I arrived and I was able to take a shower while she was on the phone which meant no “down time”. We decided to go for lunch and then perhaps try the Museum (again) and headed out.
The 1st lunch place was closed so we went to “Plan B” and headed north. The second place was pretty crowded with lunching ladies, business types and a family with 2 small girls who we were seated next to.
The “Dad” was haranguing the girls about something when we were seated. Edy and I looked over at them and then stared at each other as the mother then went into a big dissertation (with volume) about “why” "we discipline little girls"," to give them wonderful opportunities", “like” ….and then went on to talk about the special cooking classes these young girls (4 & 6) could take with “Carlos” IF they behaved……………..ugh.

I try really hard to NOT police the planet (anymore).
I now leave my aluminum bat in the closet so I am not tempted to “DINK” folks such as these. Edy was brilliant in her stealth as she grabbed her pocketbook and feigned a “powder my nose” exit. I then followed and we were re-seated at a corner table far from the DeVille Family.   

Nichoise Salads were good but lacked olives, we both had lost our appetites and had to work to get them back with a few “primer bites”…………Conversation was nonexistent.

As I looked around the room while cutting up my haricots vert I eyed table after table of lunchers, lawyers, ladies, lovers, lushes, losers and lackeys. .............
DINK,DINK –pause- DINK, -pause- DINK, -pause- DINK,DINK.
Morse Code Justice.

“Check please” !

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