Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Creative Emptiness

Creative Emptiness
Saffron Group is at its core a spiritual organization (not religious) made up of individuals doing their best to work collectively in a spirit of love, unity and a higher purpose.  We all work very hard on ourselves to be sure we are in alignment with these principals.  We’re also humans and there-in lies “the rub”.
As the patriarch of the group I sometimes find myself assuming a lofty position on various matters and offering judgments, life lessons, criticisms and expert advice where it is not needed or welcome. At times I tend to lack any kind of compassion or empathy and simply spout off................................... like it should mean something.
In my old life with projects I used to have a persona I came to call “The General”.
The General was able to get a lot of stuff done, direct men and machines, plan/strategize , make owners and me a lot of money but there was one problem ………..The General was a “Pr#@k” !   Self absorbed, self important and unyielding on anything. Ready, FIRE……………….. Aim !!   I have been working really hard to retire that guy and thought I had him pretty well calmed down as I move toward a different life. He seems calm but other natives between my ears are restless.

We pass around inspirational lectures when one in particular seems timely and Edy forwarded me the one that I used the title for above. It’s a long and deep teaching. It touched me. 

I aspire to be a Holy Man. I strive to rid myself of old limiting belief systems, be more of love, compassion and understanding while aligning myself with GOD. Then, when I attempt meditation, I remember it’s ME.

It was brought to my attention recently that perhaps the best I may ever be is an “Enlightened
A$%hole”.  Perhaps, but I’m not ready to settle for that………………..the void awaits.

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