Monday, December 12, 2011

A Man with Faults

A Man with Faults
I like a man with faults, especially when he knows it. To err is human — I'm uncomfortable around gods. Hugh Prather

I’m a big fan of quotes. I have a morning reading ritual I’ve practiced for several decades which includes a quote or two and I seem never to tire of them. Some make me laugh, some make me question, and others ………well, I just have to keep reading them until they “click” a few years down the road……or not.

Today was a bit unusual in that Edy and I took a ride out to a potential project north of town on the Interstate. Since I stopped commuting to the Ranch , most of my work is either really close or really far away I don’t travel too much to sites anymore except by airplane (or bike J). So we headed off and had a nice visit with the owner and her “other half” who happened to be a guy I knew from a project over 10 years ago, who along with another gent who was also there were part of the “A team, of yore”. It was a perfect Mercury Retrograde moment.  It seemed we were all part of the New Mexico Diaspora. Not only have we “lived to tell about it”, we have all thrived by being refugees.

Like most Americans, my ancestors were immigrants to the new land with little more than hope and a prayer. Edy’s parents were more recent with the same “moxie” and verve.  We are now seeing more and more Americans shifting and moving around inside the country trying to find a home with enough economic pulse to sustain them and from my own experience, it’s slim pickins at best.

Sure, the economy, manufacturing and industry have all shifted toward China, shoot if I spoke mandarin I’d have 40 ga-zillion jobs now as all the recruiters that still contact me ask that question 1st.  I have no desire to work in China which by my saying will most likely put me there someday. I do like where we are and have in place some pretty exciting foundational blocks for our life here. We’ll see what sprouts and adjust accordingly.  

First Things First  (quote me)

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