Wednesday, August 1, 2012



There is a saying we use in our Village that we borrowed from 12 Step Programs (in Texas they are called 2 Step programs)  that says “You’re right on schedule …………and it’s not your own”. It’s humorous when things are “peachy”, not so much when not a darned thing seems to be going the way I want it to go. Time warps, Thwarts, Uncertainty and all the DIS words are still doing their thing as 2012 rolls into it’s last 33%.

It’s hotter than anything here and most of the folks around here that don’t have real jobs have left for their summer spots. Mostly CO and NM from what I understand, although a few just travel around, because they can. Our neighborhood grocery store asks each customer if they want a cup of ice with their receipts, “right neighborly of them”, I thought as I checked out earlier today, I took my ice and ate it as I peddled through the steam room that is my home town. Jokes aside, I was actually very grateful and crunched as fast as I could before I ended up drinking those little nuggets.

I walked over to the Church tonight to attend a Men’s Meeting, my first. The speakers were ex NFL guys and the messages were very good and uplifting. I stayed afterward to speak with them and some of the other gents and basically mingled. These are all good folks with no other agenda than to be better men.  I like that and will be back.

I have two books going at once, one on Cicero, the Roman Orator and Statesman as told by his scribe ( a very interesting guy too……..If you’ve ever used this “&” , it’s some of his work, he “invented” short-hand as well as “ i.e…& etc..…)  and another, a Mystery Cop book from an author I like a lot. Dreams have been quite interesting and spanned time. There’s that time warp thing again, even in dream states. Regardless, I love a good story however new or old it is.

As I walked back from the meeting tonight I got to thinking about worship (in general)  and then the TX 1%’rs hanging out in CO or NM or wherever and the folks who used to live there earlier. For whatever reason I found great humor in that thought and something one of the NFL guys said tonight. He said one of the veteran players asked him if he knew what NFL meant? He stated the obvious and the vet laughed and said , “Son, it means Not For Long……….SAVE well !”    

In Hopi legend the Spider Woman ushered the people up through the Sipapu at each of the four stages of evolution experienced thus far. This was not an easy journey as each journey was reached as their existing world crumbled or was flooded around them. These oral histories have been told for millennia much the same way the stories from all the son’s of Abraham have. I like all of those stories too.   

I counted thirteen Kivas in the single shot above, which is only a portion of this particular lodge. That’s a lot of worship. Were they praying for Food , Shelter, Rain, Crops, Health, Family, Love or just grateful to be delivered from the misery that was their 3rd level homes? ………….”Hum?”……Basics, SO easy to take for granted.

I now sit in front of a computer that was a gift, after just communicating with my love, and eating a meal that I prepared, in a home that has AC, getting ready to go to bed and read books I got from my local library in a town that I love and am reminded…
”Yep, I’m right on schedule all right, and Thank Goodness, It’s not my own !”

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