Thursday, August 23, 2012


                      Door #3                                            Acama Pueblo                                                                  c- 2006
I devoured my latest novel in record time and started the next one in the wee hours last night. Even with all the TV channels available to us on cable I have a hard time finding anything that “sends me” and enjoy reading more anyway when Edy is gone.
Meetings and communication in general have been slow here in Bayou City, as the majority of the population has left the building or just stays in perpetual siesta during this month. I heard from several folks today that this is “the way it is” here. “Oh, OK then”, I’ll stop pushing so hard and ease up on trying to “pin down” specific times, places dates for meetings to happen and just “siesta-tize” that energy for another day.
During a conversation yesterday with Edy and then another one again later today it dawned on me that all of the greatest “gifts” in life I’ve ever received came when I was really not paying too much attention to anything in particular and just “walked into them” (gifts). Be it personal, business, relationships or just plain insights. The “gifts” happen when I simply walk through a door that has opened in front of me and automatically move into the “next”.  This has gone on all my life yet, I continue to “feel the need” to knock politely, then harder, try the handle,  then pound, then use a battering ram to get in a door that is obviously closed and locked for a reason only to find it’s empty and a lot of time, energy and effort has been expended in the forcing……….for naught, (all over again)…………Go figure?
The latest “dawning” came as I was riding my bike home from yoga yesterday. No need to get into particulars but all of a sudden things Edy has been saying to be for almost a decade now “clicked” , I shifted my thinking just a half a degree and wooooosh all of a sudden I was through the door of a new paradigm and into a new reality. Now realize, I have been forcing, reading, seeking counsel and questioning these ways of being for almost 10 years; but as I was peddling in the hot sun after sweating like crazy person for 90 minutes, the door that has been opened for me so long ago was no longer in front of me,  it was now behind me and I was in a mentally “new place for the very first time”.  I was in a state of ….wow !
I am blessed to have such a wonderful woman like Edy in my life who continued to ho-de-doe open for me for all of these years!. SO Blessed !  I shared my new insights with her and I could feel her arms relax a bit from 1500 miles away as they must be very tired from holding that particular door open for so long. As I continue to settle in to these new “dawning’s”    I am reminded of other times when the door was open just a fraction of a second or opened very slowly and for whatever reason at THAT time, I chose to “walk through” to the next.
I’ve been attending a Men’s meeting across the street for several weeks now and really enjoy it.  For almost 30 years I’ve attended other Men’s meetings but they are nothing like these. Demographics are as diverse as the globe and the shared passion for understanding and betterment permeates the room and their daily lives. While I was there I wished that all the men and boys in my life could enjoy such comrades and send that wish out as intention. I realize that everyone in life has their own path and must take their own steps but sometimes it is just so nice to walk into a new place without even knowing doors were in anyway involved.
This is my wish.


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