Sunday, May 13, 2012

Viva Yo Mamma !

I made it through my early yoga class without incident yesterday and returned home to continue mapping out a bunch of programming that I’m working on for a newly revived sustainability venture. Time flew by and in a couple hours it was time for round #2. Clouds were building and I left just a bit earlier than usual so I could beat the storm.

Along the way I noticed car after car with balloons and flowers and thought “Wow, this is one party town!!” until I remembered it was Mother’s Day. Ugh, Edy’s traveling and my own internal storm began brewing, I miss her. At one of my last stoplights I was almost run over by a guy in a tricked out Mercedez with SO many flowers in the front seat that he could barely see (me and the road). Roses of about 8 different shades all taking up the passenger side of the car. “Wow #2” I thought, “Either he really loves his Momma or there are lot’s of babies’Mommas needing pacifying tomorrow”………….” I really hoped it was the former”.

Once, when I was standing in line at the grocery store in Taos the checker asked the guy in front of me “What’d ya do?” as she scanned his huge bouquet of flowers through the “machine that goes beep”……he just hung his head and did not answer………..”Whoops!!”.”Mr. Bling” reminded me of that episode.

I was a bit early to the studio and sat on “my bench”, thus claimed because “my bike” was chained to it. There are actually four benches to choose from but this is the only one that faces out, so I like it best. From here I have watched the barren oak trees leaf out, the bamboo across the street “shoot”and of course all the bird watching I enjoy so much. I am now also getting waves from the shop owners and residents as they walk their dogs as they must think I work for the studio by now, being here twice daily.

The storms of the previous night left a lot of puddles and the alert had obviously been sent out for community bathing. One by one the various species would come in and take a dip. I was surprised that they were using them as solo tubs, as I never knew birds to be shy, "hum, who knew?" I noted in the distance on one of the telephone wires, a couple of doves that were definitely not shy, engaging in some serious mating. Doves/ Rascals….Al Green songs played in my head on their behalf.

I then noticed one industrious Grackle gathering straw and twigs. Not just any straw and twigs, mind you, she was very determined about how she obtained her building materials. She’s collect as much as her beak could hold, take it over to the “sorting grounds” and then bring a few more loads. She would then sort through the 3 or 4 loads and fill up her beak with the “best” and high tail-it down the street to her nesting area. Over and Over and Over……..”That’s gonna be a good nest !!” I thought as I suddenly noticed that all the benches were filled with chattering yogis and yoginis. "How long was I out for ?"

Being a Mother is the toughest job on earth.
In our Village our greatest asset is our women, we revere them deeply and hold them in the highest esteem. They hold the spiritual footings of our group and are the solid foundations of anything we do. Sure, the men can go out to “hunt” to our hearts content and become distracted with “whatever”, but when it comes to truly important matters, our women’s counsel is a base requirement before moving forward. I particularly enjoy the community and counsel they offer each other and watching the youngest take her place among the powerful.

Each year, at Mother’s Day I think back to the prior year and marvel at how Edy and the girls bond even deeper together. I know of no deeper love than that of Edy for her girls. I recognized it the first time I heard her voice in another continent, before I even saw her face. It made me sit up and take notice and I continue to be awed every day since then. She is THE Momma’s Momma. Yet, at the very same time the girls are staking their places in our circle and grow in their independence. Each year bringing forward their unique talents and skills that add such a wonderfully rich “spice” to our family stew. I am very grateful to be a witness to this marvel of life year after year. Viva Yo Mamma !!

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