Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hang Ten

Hang Ten

Edy and the boys were already doing morning projects when I decided to ride over to yoga.
I have taken a few days off to attend to elements of my post challenge NEW life and also want to spend as much time with the Taos gang as possible.

The ride was pleasant against the morning wind and it was not yet hot due to the early hour.
My ongoing obsession with tracking cell phone users has risen to a fever pitch and I marveled at line after line of cars I passed where the drivers all were talking or texting.  Cell signals in all directions were bombarding my senses.

Class was hotter than usual but I survived to ride home with the wind at my back and made really good time.  One the way I marveled at the multitudes of color in the foliage in this town. The air quality might not be the best but I’ll be darned if the profusion and varieties of colors offset that a bit.

Last year’s drought wiped out stretches of old growth trees and some newer ones too. Those that have survived are doing everything their DNA encoding tells them to do to survive and they are doing it, very well.  Plants know how to survive for sure. If it’s not a drought here then it’s flooding from a hurricane or the backwash chemical air in from the coast and all the Chem-Petro plants spitting stuff out 24/7. Then there is lightening which is certainly a buzz kill, but again they get fried and keep growing. The only thing they cannot survive is a suburbanite with a Home Depot Credit Card who just got a flyer in the mail with ½ off coupons for  Round-up and Chainsaws. A hundred and fifty years of survival…….. “poof”…………….for easy monthly payments.

Of course there are also the years of “nothing special” happening. Just growing, thriving and sending out young-uns’ year after year. “Cambium Bliss”. Then a few minor disturbances, a few more and then the 8 track of life repeats and it’s déjà vu all over again. Regardless, the will to survive is not thwarted and cells continue to circulate. Life goes on.

On the drive to pick up dinner tonight I made my usual commentary about the line of drivers who just passed. “They were ALL on their phones” !!  Edy,kindly reminded me that what I am seeing is a mirror of me not that long ago. -YIKES_ Yep, commuting back and forth to the ranch with two phones going at the same time……….”That’s IT”!!! I replied “I have been getting SO charged up about this “phone-nomenon” that I completely lost that It was ME I was looking at via others.  “This is BIG”.

Later this afternoon I finished all the work I had and left some other difficult issues to rest on the back burner. I then headed down to the pool to see the gang. The boys are developing gills and their skills are now improving hour by hour. Their little faces lit up when they saw me and all of my “difficult issues” from the 4th floor evaporated……………………….. 

Love conquers all

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