Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sounds of Silence

Pueblo Bonito #9                                                       Vision Quest Series                                   Copyright 2005 DK Sargert

Sounds of Silence

I woke up a bit earlier than usual, reached over and gave Edy a squeeze and slid out of bed so as not to disturb our 6 year old “visitor” as he snored angelic in dreamland, snuggled up next to “Grammy”. I made us both some coffee being sure to wrap the grinder in a towel lest it disturb anyone still sleeping in the house. I brought Edy hers along with a kiss and mimed a heart beating and pointed to myself and then her……….drawing an exclamation point in the air. I then left them both together so they could enjoy their morning wake up ritual. They both were in heaven.

I took my coffee and sat in front of my computer as do each morning and began reading emails. One in particular caught my eye and as I scrolled through all the links came to good video then home page of the author and the topic she had posted was “your relationship to silence”. Write a bit and share if you wish. “Hummm?” I thought, “I am a huge fan of silence and am always on the lookout for Blog Topics”, I thought “perfect”.

I have always enjoyed my solitude and the silence of various places on the planet. Sailing always appealed to me more than Power Craft and Museums more than Carnivals. As much as I love children and grandchildren and interactions with other humans; sometimes a break is good. Today, I really love silence and the “Power of the Pause” as one of our favorite people states it.  It has not always been this way.

Until recently I required some kind of background noise during all of my waking hours in the form of CD’s or NPR. Truth be told I do play “waves” to go to sleep now because I developed some kind of Pavlovian response to my acupuncturist and would go out like a light when he turned it on in his office during procedures. No, I’m not talking about “sleeping” , I’m talking about being uncomfortable with being by myself, in silence; at work, in a car, “putzing” – all required background noise and even now I find myself looking to “fill in the blank” of silence if I’m feeling discomfort.

It started slowly with prayers and meditation and then continued into longer and longer stretches of time where I would not speak or hear other humans for hours at a time. Nature is always a good place for this I found and long walks in the sage of the High Desert would attune my ears to new sounds with each walk.

The newest and most interesting sounds were the messages that would come to me in the silence. Answers to questions, enlightenment on difficult topics and an expansiveness of love for those around me, that grew unfettered by static. Sure the “mitote” would attempt to dominate at times but soon they all just sat back and “talked amongst themselves”.

The image above was taken in Chaco Canyon, NM. It’s a magical place with deep spiritual significance and history. In some circles it is considered “sacred”.  It is a tourist Mecca and is generally full of the devout. The day I was there, there was no one and for eight hours it was just me and the ghosts. I had a similar experience in France at Mary Madeline’s Cathedral in Maximim. Another “sacred”  Mecca in the middle of August and I had the place to myself. Just me ,MM’s skull and more gold than I knew could exist in one place.  There was lots of silence and more importantly the time to “hear it”.  I felt very “plugged in” and connected to all before me and all to come on both occasions.

In our new city I have a lot of opportunity to ride my bike. Sure, the exercise is good, the fresh air fun and the smells wonderful,  but what I really like is hearing the whirr of the tires on the pavement along with the feeling of being “plugged in” again………… and again………….. Sometimes it’s deafening.

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