Friday, May 18, 2012

Ol’ Sow and Sow

Ol’ Sow and Sow

I woke up super early this morning as it was the 1st day of my NEW LIFE , made the bed, did a bathroom check and then did final inspection on the house to make sure everything was in order for the arrival of Edy and the Taos gang. Everything passed inspection and I scrolled through a few emails before heading over to the bank to do some stuff there. I then returned home and awaited a meeting with a fellow yogi I had planned.

It occurred to me the other day that despite being here for almost two years, (the 1st 13 months don’t count because I was essentially a commuter and when I was here I was too tired to do anything) I really know no one.  So earlier in the week I reached out to 4 guys I know , 3 from yoga - one sales guy and   thought we’d just chat and get to know each one a bit better. This morning’s meeting was very pleasant and I enjoyed the connection over shared interests. My goal with these meetings is to just make myself known here and plant seeds for the future, as we envision a really good future here.

Afterward, I did a bit of shopping in anticipation of going to the airport to pick up the gang. Edy and I had a short conversation before I left and fortunately had another one from the parking lot of the 2nd grocery store because the first one was short and fragmented because I “was on a mission” and the second one had the depth and intimacy we both strive for.  I got what I needed at the store and got home in record time only to find that their flight had been delayed. “Humm, well ok then lets wrap up the other things we started this week” I said to myself, and began finishing up a bunch of forms and templates for site visits and then figured out how to set up another website as a proxy host for all the photos that are in these blogs so that folks may purchase them in the very near future.

While I was working, I had electronic conversations with guys I know all over the world and in N and S America about software and software development. We all use the same CADD Softwares and many of us have known each other since the 80’s. Most of us were on development teams together and we all have “history”. Questions were asked about certain things and answers came with assorted “email accents”  (ie. “that prissy Colour”……”about the width of a flea’s d#ck” ……”cheers mate” ………”muito obrigado” ….and on and on…..) When I have a problem, I drop an email to any of these guys and usually within an hour - 24/7 my questions are answered. These are seeds that were planted via MS-DOS (sure you remember c:\filenames\that\had\to\be\short\)  that still bear fruit on a continual basis. It’s not a one way street either; I participate and do what I can too to help when asked and most of the time I just cheer them all on because that is my “gift” , to inspire others. The crazy thing about all of this is that none of us get paid for the help. We offer our knowledge out and in return we are able to access the knowledge base of others. Also, it just feels good. If one of us has a a client needing help in their country or town we refer them directly, THAT is how it works

OK, back to my epiphany about getting out and meeting folks. In my core I’m actually a very shy person. Sure I can “schmooze and mingle” and have even been known to “frolic” on occasion. I can also present my “canned pitch” about my work and blah, blah, blah…..BUT, when it comes to just about “me”, well, that information is not for everyone. Very few, in fact.

As I am going through this next iteration of personal evolution I am finding that I actually want to be around good people of integrity and who also have their own gifts. Not as a client-patron relationship but as folks living in their collective “Zones of Genius” exploring each other to find HOW we can help each other live our best versions of ourselves before it’s time to “go”. A “project” is not going to give me that. All the books, magazines, awards and medals in the world with my name are not going to give me that. But kindred-spirits of the human kind, can, have and will again. I just need to go out and meet more and more and more, in this town. NOT online. So, today a seed was planted, perhaps this weekend a couple more will be planted and next week and ………we shall see. What better place to start but where my own interests lie……….Yoga, Museums….etc…

I’m reading James Michner’s TEXAS. I like JM because he gives you all the history and depth of detail that keeps me interested. Sure, he’s kind of pompous at times, but what‘s that saying,  “you spot it you got it” . I cut him slack. I am so grateful that we moved ourselves to a land such as this with such rich and deep history of endless possibilities that span generations. This Hopi Corn Farmer is gonna make it my business to ensure our crops grow fat and strong by reaching out every day and asking “How can I help YOU?”  Then I would hope to learn as much about you as possible. Perhaps you might feel that there is someone else who might benefit from my gifts and say “Let me introduce you to good ol’ sow and sow?”

I’ll be doing just the same.

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