Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Energetic Compost

A-Maizing Series                                                               Taos Harvest 2008                                      c-2008

Energetic Compost

I’ve taken about a week off from my “daily blog” for  various reasons.  I have just felt uninspired, still sick and quite sore from healing ribs. Another reason is I found the “stats” tab on my site and saw that no one was reading it but me and Edy; this also deflated me for a few days.

In the spiritual world “they” say the surest way to ruin a holy man is to give him a follower.
I have adhered to this as sacred truth for a long time yet came directly up against it when I looked at my “stats” and sighed, “ugh, my ego is still force to be reckoned with”…………and I still have a long way to go toward my goal of true humility. (Something tells me goals for humility are in conflict but, I could be wrong). So today I write with the original intent of the blog - As a chronical of Saffron and to remind us of what is important to US, because sometimes I forget.

Saffron, as you know is a family organization and lately we’ve had the opportunity both collectively and individually to dig into some old “stuff” for review.  We’ve been able to look at old patterns of behavior that no longer serve us, as well as the template overlays we often use to make certain decisions, (clouded decisions). One of the more recent things for me has been how/who/where/why I do business and what that will look like in the future. Others have had their own insights. It’s been a lively series of discussions to say the least.

During a conversation this evening with Edy it occurred to me that the smelly icky gooey muck we find ourselves treading through at the moment is simply “Energetic Compost” . Good stuff, heck GREAT Stuff that we’ve enjoyed for years has been used up. Now we’re trying to resuscitate it for re-use ad nauseum…. until now. It all has just been laying around rotting because all the nutrients contained in the original “stuff” have been exhausted. We’re wondering where the “good stuff is?” and are getting upset.  We are feeling uncomfortable with what this represents because our ol’ tried and true is just tuckered out and needs to just rot and rot until it forms the new fertile basis for new seeds of thought, ideas and behaviors that are needed now to be sown. Crap, and all this time I thought we were in Eden and no further effort was required on my part.

When we grew our gardens we would find it ridiculous to think that the corn stalks should keep producing ears after we harvested them all from the stalks yet for some reason I have been feeling that ideas and behaviors of yore should somehow be sustaining me long after harvest.

This paradigm shift allowed me to realize that we are right on schedule to meet 2012 Spring Energy with our own 2012 Spring Energy and blossom forth with fresh new ANYTHING we choose to grow.

The smell of rot and squish of the muck reminded me to grab a mental rake and turn it all under……….before I turn it all over ……..and plant anew, every chance I get.

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