Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Let it Be

Let it Be

After yoga the other day I bought Edy some flowers because they reminded me of Hawaii and I thought she would enjoy them. Ginger, Eucalyptus, Bird of Paradise and other fragrant stems were presented in a lovely and fragrant bouquet. We noticed at once how our house smelled like Hawaii and have been enjoying it since.

This morning I was looking at a few of the blossoms and thought I’d add a shot of “special food” to the water to “help a blooming brother out” and nudge them along toward a longer healthier life.  I was then reminded that sometimes when I want to “help” I don’t, and it might be best in this case to just Let it Be.

Perhaps it’s a Virgo thing or maybe it’s an unresolved co-dependent thing but I sure like to poke at stuff.  Tell me a story and I’ll dissect it eleven different ways. I walk into a building, house, office or church anywhere and the 1st things I notice are the out of whack things or the things that could use a little “tweak”. I look at companies, divisions and teams and know instinctively what is needed for them to perform optimally and that is all ok if you’ve been asked to do so and are paid for the knowledge, but pretty darned annoying if you’re just passing through.

The Zen Buddhist parts of me understand that everything is just exactly the way it’s supposed to be at all times.  The other parts of me sometimes cause a bit of turmoil because although “yes” they are just the way they are supposed to be….. BUT, if it was moved, aligned, said/not said, thought/not thought, shifted or straightened just a weeee bit it would be oh, so much better, IMHO. (actually, not so humble opinion).

Here it is again right up IN MY FACE, two days in a row.   Ego, you rascal.

So, I have resolved that for today I’m going to chill and Let it ALL Be and go from there.
Sure, we all might go spinning off into space or end up in a frozen hell but if that happens it was meant to be anyway and I for one am going to just let it.  

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