Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Speaking Chinese

Speaking Chinese

Today was a hard day!  Really HARD.
There is no need to get into details as everyone has had them, but suffice it to say that I did not communicate one clear statement the way I wanted to the entire day and it was exhausting for all parties. The harder I tried the worse it got and believe me when I tell you that I tried HARD……………and the results were to be as expected.

I might as well have been speaking Chinese.

I’m a big fan of “glyphs” of any kind. I enjoy the ones produced by humans like Mayans, Egyptians or Aboriginals or as some believe “aliens” for and ones too cool to pigeon-hole . I also enjoy Arabic writing as well as Kanji and Kana. I don't understand any of it but I like it. I often look to nature to see just what kind of messages I might glean from the various “glyphs” that are there in such abundance.

In my youth I dabbled a bit with psychedelics because the users made pretty much the same claims today’s TV pharmaceutical company commercials do (without the horrible side effects) and I sure as heck did not want to be where I was in any manner during those days. It worked well with the music I listened to and the isolation and shelter I craved.   During one of these experiments with a small dot of paper I saw the meaning of life encoded within the chalk board of the new Civics Class I was attending. (Yes, it took effect a bit sooner than the nonexistent warning label said) “If only I could de-code that board before the end of class I would be “all set”, I told myself…………………….. The class ended as well as the ingestion of "dots" but the experiment continues and I catalog examples for future humans to investigate (above).

We went to yoga late tonight and as we were sitting outside waiting for the room to open up I overheard a couple of the regulars in deep conversation. The Asian woman was listening intently to the Anglo guy I see every day in there. She was nodding and laughing and soon he raised his voice loud enough that I could hear what he was saying. The only problem was that despite hearing the words and seeing associated hand/face gestures I still could not understand a darned thing he said...................

He was Speaking Chinese.  

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