Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice 2012

Summer Solstice 2012

Edy and I talked a bit this morning over coffee and then decided to “take it on the road” and went for a nice walk in our neighborhood before it got too hot.  It was mostly cloudy with big summer rain clouds building up already. It seems like the rains came as soon as the kids left; matching our moods.  Our topics went from the deep to the deeper as usual. We had a few commercial interruptions as we passed by some myrtle blossoms and took in their perfume. On our way back the skies opens up softly and misted us as we hurried for shelter under a big ol’ magnolia tree; continuing our conversation.

When we returned I got on to some correspondence I needed to get out and was disappointed to not receive some I had been waiting for. I then made a couple of phone calls and returned to finish some stuff I had begun last night but did not complete. Edy made us some lunch and we giggled over a goofy poem we made up part to …”here I sit all broken hearted………”  I’ll let you fill in your own ending.

It thundered and lightning’d like crazy for an hour or so and I was sure we got whacked when a bolt hit outside our window and I could feel the ozone shift INSIDE the apartment. Wow ! Being a big fan of storms I loaded up the cameras and got on my bike for a post-storm documentary shoot.

I was hoping for some good reflective puddle shots but the sun was off and I decided to concentrate on flora as I made my way, the long way, on Bike Route #1. Rain drops on flowers are easy money shots and I shot over a hundred. I’m still getting used to digital and lots of goofing around with white balance and manual adjustments were needed to get the images I wanted. I’m still not 100% comfortable with it all but am willing to keep learning as I go.

The fragrances from this morning has been washed away in the rain yet the breaking clouds made for very interesting highlights as I rode and shot my way east into the land of the 1%. Half way through the ride a woman in a silver pickup truck came along side and said “Howdy”! “Howdy back-at-cha”, I said.

“I noticed you taking pitch-yures back yonder”………”Yep, and I’m gonna be taking more over at those roses too in a minute” I replied. She whipped out an Iphone pointed it at me and click-ka-zoom was outta-there. “What the heck was that I thought??”………..Neighborhood Watch most likely…….who knows?

The roses took a beating in the storm but I was able to shoot some of the survivors (photograph like a Viking). The signs at each corner said “Don’t EVEN think of cutting our roses!!” (ANGRY 1%’ers at that) On my way home I stopped by a kids park we all like and took a shot for M because she too is a big fan of trees. I’d tried the shot several times before but the light was always goofy, today it was perfect and made the whole trip seem to have more purpose.

Returning home I realized that it was about 100 degrees and 90% humidity and I was drenched. I parked my bike and wiped it down and rehydrated as fast as possible once I realized my short ride and shoot was now into it’s 3rd hour. Humm, time flies……..

I uploaded my images and for the most part was pleased with the shoot-n-ride.
I then looked at my phone and saw that there were no calls and checked emails to see if my long awaited correspondence had arrived. Nothing !!…………CRAP !!!   

This is going to be the longest day EVER !!!

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