Saturday, June 23, 2012



“Perhaps this was not the best idea?” I said to myself as my lungs screamed and my throat burned as I peddled from the ½%’rs through the 1%’rs onto the 2,3,4,5% and home. The idea was to move some energy that has been building up, particularly this morning as I waited for an appointment that was to be here at 11am but by 2pm had not shown or even called. I peddled my disappointment out pretty hard and made it to the end of Route #1 in record time. I was panting and burning inside and out as I turned around for a new recon mission.

Edy and I struck out early this morning for a walk hoping the heat would not be too bad, we were mistaken. Although we kept to the shade, the humidity and temperatures rose quickly, and we were soon sweaty. Talk topics were upbeat and positive and Edy connected some dots I had not thought of before on a particular topic which I found fascinating. Upon returning home I weighed whether to take a shower now or later and decided to hold off until after the appointment and got on some correspondence I began yesterday.

Once I finished the 1st round of research and reach-out I was coming out of my skin and decided to practice some new yoga in the spare room. It was strange doing it out of the context of the Bikram Studio but they were not poses I was familiar with and I began slowly. About an hour later I completed my “work out” and became very antsy. “Success!!  Energy movement as requested !!” I said to myself and went to tell Edy I needed to Move-IT, Move-IT………..”I’ll be back in awhile”…..

Traffic was light during the 1st few legs of the journey and I took advantage by staying in 18th gear all the way to the park turn off. The sun was brutal and the heat index off the pavement had to be 130. As I turned into the Land of Plenty (LOP) I took in all the sights and smells that go with a Saturday afternoon. Grass cutting, gasoline, hidden flowers and hot asphalt all mixed together into a bouquet of summer in the south.  

As I made my way deeper into the LOP I recalled a paragraph I read in TEXAS.  
Texas has its own vernacular for wealth. Although the book was written in the 80’s I’ll still use his figures to adjust for whatever we call this mess we’re in right now.

Makin Due $1-3MM
Doin’ OK $3-10MM
Well Off $10-50MM
Wealthy $50-100MM
Rich $100-500MM
Texas Rich- $500MM +   ; Yep, this IS the place.

I continued peddling  and found even more examples of success on a very impressive scale. Don’t get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of successful people and congratulate them on their achievements. Most of my career was spent working with just these families and I am very grateful for all the opportunities that came our way.   I’m ready for more.

As I continued home with my face into the wind I felt like a huge hair dryer had been turned on and my throat, lungs and skin discharged all the moisture they had. I passed by some agave that was suffering badly last year and I was glad to see that they were thriving and shooting out “pups” due to this year’s rain.

"Yep, Rain-fall today would be nice" I thought I kept peddling.

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