Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I read of this word earlier today and it could not have come at a more perfect time. Essentially it means just what it says – It’s a pre-warning to a reminder. It was first coined by a Mom in a parenting group as an ease into for children but I have taken it and will be using it a lot.

It was one hot motha’ today – In the 90’s outside and over 100 in my head as I was fuming for most of the day. Hot Yoga and a hotter bike ride moved the energy but did not dispell the lump in my heart.  Human nature continues to be better than TV when it comes to anyone who enters my sphere of influence of late. I have been feeling for a long time that things have been shifting and frankly have always equated the discomfort with “bad” as it requires introspection and magnification and heaven forbid change. One after another folks are brought into my fold to test and retest me . I am now seeing and more importantly feeling that all of this shedding of old ways is actually allowing something quite new to emerge and although it is still uncomfortable I am less resistant …….(a teensy weensy bit less resistant).  

It’s easy to point the fingers at others when things go wrong but another thing entirely when I bear a part of the responsibility too. The good news is that I no longer take on the full load which I will give myself a high –five for right now.

I currently have an ongoing mis-understanding with another human. I know it’s not unusual but this one escalated rapidly into messiness. Yes, it’s just a misunderstanding but it has already taken up way more energy than I am willing to give it and now I need to find a way to resolve it. My preference is for it to go away with a resounding “Hell YES !!” for both of us …but, at this moment I am at a loss as to how to get there from my end ……….(which is the only one that I have any control of anyway), and continue to seek guidance on the subject.

The crazy thing about this whole situation was that I pre-minded myself about it as my “gut” knocked gently, then harder then harder ………..and then others pre-minded me about it too. “Hey, isn’t this just like ….x….y….z….???? “Perhaps” , I said moving forward full steam ahead. .”Perhaps, BUT, “I’m keeping an eye on it so that it doesn’t go the way of x,y,z”……(cautious, sensitive, wonderful communicator that I am)……………..driving straight into the rocks !!! "Autopilot" will get me everytime.

There is a saying I use which is sad but sometimes true. “Humans don’t change unless it hurts bad enough”. This comes in handy while waving my scepter over the masses…………but takes on a completely different meaning when looking in the mirror……………ugh.

So, if by chance you ever see me looking like I want to drive toward ….x, y, z – Please do your best to pre-mind me and I will do my best to pre-member and adjust accordingly………(fingers crossed) .   

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