I went to yoga solo this morning as we were expecting visitors from the west and Edy wanted to stay and prepare. Class was sparse at that hour and the instructor and I were the only representatives of our gender. The 2nd pose of the 26 is always the Half Moon Pose. I cannot remember the Indian name for it so we’ll just call it Demiluna-assana. Essentially you begin with your arms straight over your head with your fingers interlocked and your biceps at your ears (think steeple) . The dialog then tells you to stretch UP and out of your waist and then slowly to bend right. Bend deeper, waist forward, body back. Weight on your heels, breathing normal. Now push your left hip forward and turn your shoulder out “like a flower petal blooming”………push down deeper and deeper…………change (do the same thing bending left).
Like most of these postures, they look pretty simple from a distance. They are actually quite complex and as a devoted yogi of almost 90 days I can assure you that it will be at least another 90 until I master them. ............(joking…………….kind of)
The staff has been ribbing me lately because I seem to be un-aging. In fact they said they were going to have to card me soon. I certainly do feel great. Rotator cuff issues have disappeared and my Achilles tendon is repairing itself. I can breathe full lungs and what was soft around my middle is firming up (slowly). I am enjoying it a lot, particularly with Edy and look forward to it daily.
I needed to run north to a project after class and hummed Bob Dylan’s My Back Pages on my way up the interstate. …“Oh, I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now….”
The survey crew was fixing a flat tire when I arrived and I thought, “hum…. bad omen, ugh #1” as I walked past them toward the acreage of partially cleared land. Underbrush was cleared but the dead wood was still standing, “ugh. #2”. Live Tree inventory will have to wait until next week, “ugh, #3” . As I continued around the site I turned to “follow my gut” and saw with pleasure that the good news was that the crews did NOT rip into the buried gas line that ran through that parcel as I was beginning to dread. So, we’ll call it even and remove all of the ugh’s from today.
The first time I was on the property it was in a horrible state of drought. Last month it was a swamp and mosquito infested. Today through the magic of a big yellow Caterpillar we have diverted the water away from the site and can now begin our green spaces for our new park and sanctuary spaces.
As I was walking off the site I noticed that areas of ground that had dried out already had plants poking their heads out of the newly dried soil. Some had gone so far as to send out blossoms to get the life cycle started………………………like a flower petal blooming…
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