Thursday, April 19, 2012



It’s been over a week since my last post. I’ve written a bit on other topics for the future but have not felt the “spark” to keep up the flow on my daily posts.

My “misunderstanding” seems to have been worked out agreeably for both parties. It escalated, then waned, then escalated again until I just Ctrl-Alt-Del/ re-booted my brain & heart and went back to a blank screen with my internal command prompt and started from scratch.  Sometimes it’s best to just gesso over a canvas and start again, add in some humans and it gets a bit more complex. I remain positive.

Edy and I took some time this morning to visit the zoo. Reasons were also many but the primo was because we can and it’s only 15 minutes from us. The day was lovely with full sun and a slight breeze with temps only in the mid 70’s.  

We cringed as the local mom’s and grandmom’s smacked the crap out of their kids for various reasons. I think it’s a southern thing  (like bigotry) that just keeps being passed along down the gene pool…………Both make me sad.

To contrast this we found a group of elephants having breakfast. As the hay piles dwindled the matriarch took it upon herself to give a bit of home schooling to the youngsters before it got too hot and the food all gone. She casually took a trunk full of hay down to the watering hole and just stood there with it. She kicked it a bit than moved it right, then left a few times until the two babies got interested and came over to see what the heck was going on. As the two “toddlers” stood close she wadded up a bit of her hay and soaked it in the water and slurp-ate it. She then did it again with both youngsters looking on. First the older then the younger tried it with clumps of hay that were either too big or small or too wet or dry. “Momma” was very patient and let them figure it out for themselves again and again until the hay was gone.

The next lesson was how to cool yourself off with water in your trunk. “Momma” took a big trunk full and sprayed  up her right flank, then left , then showed off with a grand “over the top” move that got them all wet. Sure enough the youngsters started mimicking her, first with minimal success then with greater and greater success until the little guy above just plopped down on his side directly IN the pond and showed that HE KNEW another way…………. It was charming and just what we needed.

Of course the redneck families were nowhere to be found for this event. They were probably hiding in the bushes to take a smoke, toke, nip or offering out another smack so the little ones would “act like a #*ucking lady”…………………….ugh. I once knew a guy in France who would do a perfect “American Impersonation” by screaming at the top of his lungs…. “ BRENDA !!! – BRENDA !!! Where the Hell are those GD KIDS !!! ………….It sounded just like my cousin in MO,  I’m so embarrassed of my white-trash roots !

So, as a little treat for those of you that may ever have to deal with humans I offer the following link:   

5 Love Languages

You’ll figure it out as you delve into it. I have found it fascinating and very helpful and added it to my arsenal of tools for human interactions. Sometimes it’s just easier on everyone if I too “know” what the heck is going on and avoid the Ctrl-Alt-Del scenario as much as possible.   

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