Monday, April 2, 2012

GROK revisited

GROK revisited

It’s pretty overcast today. Thunderstorms rolled through early this morning and I got up in the yellow pre-dawn and shut off the computer so as not to fry the electronics should a rogue bolt of lightning aim our way.  I walked out on the balcony a bit ago and can feel summer rolling in. So much for the survey crews I had scheduled for this morning.
Plants 1 – Project  0.

Edy and I took a spontaneous drive to the coast yesterday. We were looking for alternate beaches to the ones we already know and thought one particular area would hold promise. The drive was easy and we found the place without incident.  I spotted what I thought was a good Seafood restaurant and pulled in to see that it was not only a restaurant but also a fish market. Catch(es) were fresh and that started the stomach grumbling for what might be in store above in the dining area. It was an interesting set up as it was Viet-Cong owned (inside joke) and all the offerings of seafood  did  NOT have a Vietnamese twist but a bad Chinese twist and the experience turned out to be less than pleasing. The fact that I loaded my buffet plate like pre-yoga days of yore had nothing to do with it…………….I think.

As usual Edy and I had ongoing conversations about a myriad of topics and kept returning to our current favorite – COMMUNICATION.

Earlier she sent me two videos I really enjoyed; one on ants and the other on plant communication.    I found both quite fascinating and wondered further about the ability of the ants to intercept the plant signals and then “adjust accordingly”. This thinking continued through the night with me recalling that soil is mostly silica and therefore a crystalline transmitter and also the base of our computer chips today. This then branched into my currently reading a very good book on an IPAD and the fact that the glass (silica) used for the face of this tablet was 1st invented in the 1960’s by Corning just about the same time Stranger in a Strange Land was written by RA Heinlein. It was in this book that the word GROK was 1st used.  I particularly love the protagonists description of GOD as “one who groks”

I feel there is a great awakening occurring that is allowing me (and others) to move from verbal and written communication toward a more intuitive and familiar place of old where “gut feelings and more importantly “heart feelings” override what we see, read hear or “touch”. These “feelings are not tactile, they are part of the old web of interconnected transmitters we knew when we were just energy. Of course we are still energy we just forgot how to tune in and grok.

Edy and I have set April as the month to be shown where our “communication pipes” need tightening. It can be frustrating at times when we discover place we thought were tight are not, but more and more we give a “high five” at every leak or drip as it points the way toward stronger “connections”.  The exercise in itself has a touch of silliness to it from the start as given all we are learning the thought of “disconnect” is actually an impossibility at this point anyway.


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