Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hole Lotta Love

Hole Lotta Love

I awoke this morning and scooped Edy to walk over to the corner coffee place with me to start our morning. The weather is very warm and damp and the ground fog must have been super heavy as the lower floors of our building were sopping wet.

The usual long line of fuel wasters were queued up to be handed re-fueling liquid as they headed off to do their list of errands in the short time they had on their day off. Inside was quite and we sat at a table and chatted for a bit before checking in with the world on our portable electronic devices. Humm, “some sickness in Austin”, “ugh hope they feel better”, “it’s going to be rainy for several days now”, ugh #2 and then I noticed a Facebook post about the passing of someone I had known for a very long time, became very close with for a short while, then lost track of over the years. Ugh #3………. “Poof you’re gone”.

We’ve had a lot of discussions of late within our Village about “holes”.
These are the nagging places we all have as humans that motivate us consciously or sub-consciously toward just about everything we do and also don’t do. These include the various wounds of infancy and childhood from divorce to abandonment and pains and struggle of later years that propel us to resonate with other humans and form relationships to help fill them and then of course there are the holes that come from such relationships as we grow and evolve. Then of course there is life itself which has inherent challenges and on and on.

In most cases humans do a pretty good job via knowledge, karma, fate, logic, gumption, reason, talent, heart etc to fill in the majority of the holes and usually “destiny” in the form of other humans allows other holes to be filled as we progress on our “earth walk”. Sometimes we get really upset when what we thought was going to fill a hole doesn’t. Be it a Person, place or thing, when we have expectations that “it” will be filled and “it” isn’t we react. “If only x,y,z would have ……(fill in the blank) I would not have to feel this way………”  Seeking fulfillment from outside sources only works for so long as we all seem to also have what we term the GOD Hole.

This is the place that it’s just you and your Higher Power (fill in the blank here too). Money, Fame, Books can’t fill it, Places of worship can’t fill it, and teachers can’t fill it and all  the things that used to work in the past seem not to work  either . It’s just YOU and (your) God.
Bucky talked about “No more 2nd Hand God” ,Van Morrison sang of “No Gurus” and we, in our Village speak about the God Hole that no one but us (as individuals) can fill, yet each one of us recognizes and honors within the individuals of our group and also the world.

I was intrigued to learn that most hard core Japanese businessmen seek further Buddhist teachings and knowledge as they retire. I had always envisioned them swinging their corporate swords until it was time to move on to the great beyond. I learned about this 30+ years ago and it did not make too much sense to me then. “Why waste those final years learning about THAT when you could be doing SO much more”, I thought at the time.  Ahhh, ignorance WAS bliss !

So as I ponder the fragility and brevity of life as we know it today, I also give a lot of thanks and praise directly into my God Hole for the blessings of health and love I have received in the past, currently enjoy and will continue to receive as long as I “keep the connection open” with LOVE.  “A Whole Lotta Love.”

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