Friday, September 14, 2012

4 Granted

Vision Quest Series                                               "I met a Girl in France"                                                           c-2003

4 Granted

I had an appointment this morning on the north end of town and left early to get there on time, as I was unfamiliar with the area. I had packed the camera, laser and my “site bag” late last night in preparation of doing some field measures (if required). Traffic was crazy and there were also toll charges so I was glad I brought $ as I rarely carry any unless I know I’m shopping for something these days. Simpler and “lighter”; particularly when I rarely drive anywhere and just bike everywhere these days.

Meeting went very well. The home and site are very workable and the Owners are anxious to implement some changes toward transformation. What I really liked, beside the number of dogs they had was that one set of parents live with them. Like is too mild a word , I LOVED that their folks lived with them. Old Country Traditions;   SOLID as a ROCK !!

I took a slew of interior shots and as I went outside to take more photos of the site and exteriors my body mis-understood my standing in the hot humid weather and thought it was in a Bikram Class. Sweat Faucets went to full ON before I knew it and well………… much for an nice ironed dress shirt and slacks (note to self).

Traffic on the way home was as heavy as going and I was reminded how much I hated my daily commute of 150mi for so long…..not so long ago.  I was reminded how great our neighborhood is and that is something have actually taken 4 Granted.  

I followed up with my appointment. when I returned home and was happy to find that I had time to make it to 4:30 yoga. Although it was raining like crazy I loaded up my bike and headed out in the wet and actually made good time. Friday afternoons can sometimes be “iffy” because folks behind the wheel think it’s already the weekend but thankfully everyone was on good behavior.  Class was good and hot and I my yoga buddy of yesterday was there so we chatted a bit before and after class which was nice.

Many of our classes have a number of folks who attend for medical reasons.  Everything from simple injuries to really bad cancer and all in between. They show up and attend classes and do their best.  I overheard a conversation between a few folks listing all of their medical conditions, medicines, side effects and overall quality of life. These folks are younger than I am and thought to myself “Wow, how blessed are you that your body is strong and healthy?”. “SO blessed”, I answered myself, particularly after taking it 4 Granted for over half a century.

Edy, (my love) is having her Birthday today in Taos and mine will arrive tomorrow. It's a bummer that we are not together but we will be soon. We both spend a lot of time giving thanks, listing and voicing gratitudes daily and even hourly, particularly when we are together. It’s a strong practice of affirmation that keeps the compass heading in the right direction. As I rode home today in the rain from class, legs pumping and lungs working hard, I suddenly began thinking that an hour between gratitudes feels way too long.

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