Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

Blogging is getting stale as I live out what feels lately like a life via an 8 track…….”Oh, this is a good one”…I say to myself while snapping fingers and shaking my head along with the tune. Then the next track starts and it’s that darned tear jerker ballad……then on to the ones I can’t wait to be over , then the one I always forget is on this tape comes on and I do a “note to self” to remember it because I always forget it’s there …Then all of a sudden Track One starts up again…”Crap, why are the “ditty’s” always too short and where the heck IS KC  when you need him?

For the past couple of days I have been doing Due Diligence for a potential project in the Deep South. Operative word, potential.  New projects are like what it must be like to be a diamond cutter. Nice raw material (land) , lots of time studying the inclusions (sighting)  and inherent defects (previous mis-use). The cutter must then try to figure out how to make the most beautiful cut possible (design) with maximum yield (profit). Perhaps this was a bad analogy because the Cutter does not have to work with Feds, State, County, Regional oversight nor does he have to worry about local conservation folks but it felt good to have the similarities going for a while there. Anyway, I like doing this kind of stuff. It’s detailed to the extreme, multi-layered and as wide as it is long and this is only in the “lets see if it can happen phase”. “We’ll just have to see now won’t we?” I say to myself a dozen times an hour as I envision Edy and I eating fresh crabs, walking the beaches and sailing in the Atlantic again……………………Nothing like staying in the moment………………..ugh.

Edy announced it was Friday the 13th this morning as I was making coffee so I said a silent salute to the Knights Templar. I’m a big fan of theirs. The photo above was taken from a little Inn I stayed at in Provence a few lifetimes ago. The hill you see in the background is full of caves first used by early humans, then Romans, then KT as they did their best to escape on Oct 13th  1307.  Unfortunately they were caught right THERE and elsewhere and well……you know the rest. I chose this particular town because I am interested in this stuff and it was well worth the trip (and a half). During the night wild pigs roam and snort and grunt and dig up all sorts of stuff while their little piggies add to the chorus with their upper octaves. The locals have all kinds of lore surrounding the caves which stands to reason. History is History, judge it if you must.

This afternoon we ran out to “do some errands” and “have some fun”………by errand #1, the fun had evaporated and it took concerted energy on both our parts to really check in and see where we wanted to go next. Call in Brother Spinoza again to quote for us that “one never makes a wrong decision, at the time”. We took a break, ate a snack and then continued on toward our “mission” which we completed handily. “Well Done” we said in unison.

Edy then surprised me by suggesting the Butterfly Exhibit at the MNH saying we had free coupons. Whoo-hoo! - Free stuff -You Bet !! The exhibit was great with over 2500 colorful little guys flying all over the place. I will return another day with my camera as it was that good !. It seems that they release several hundred everyday as the poor things only last two weeks. Chrysalis are flown in daily from all over the world. They can mate but cannot lay eggs as no host plants are allowed. So, essentially they are born in captivity and get two weeks to do whatever they want and then die…………….with no offspring. Why does “Cancun” keep popping up in my mind ???......

Anyway it seemed a bit of a bummer after hearing that but we continued around the exhibit enjoying the colors and the perpetual graceful mevement. I could not help but remember Yabu-sama’s Sepiku Haiku from Shogun as we finished up our time in the exhibit:

Life is
but a Butterfly’s Dream

Happy 13th !

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