Now is the winter of
our discontent……
Winter Solstice 2013.
Only one short year ago to the day the Myan’s were having a
good laugh up in Myan heaven over “expert opinion” regarding the end of the
world as we know it. If memory serves me correctly the prior near doom scenario
we barely escaped was “y2k” and the
associated horrors predicted by other “experts” ……which then makes me wonder, “are
the experts STILL experts after all of these whoops?”. I imagine in expert
world they still rein high and receive “expert compassion” from their peers. “Well
Nigel, I can now see how the conflation
of that glyph could lead to just such a deduction, in-fact didn’t the same
thing happen to ….what was that old chaps name from Oxford…..”?..........”Anyhow
ol’ boy it could have happened to any of us” (We’re jolly well glad it did NOT,
and have all agreed so in private) “Carry on, stiff upper lip and all..”
Edy and I were recalling some celebrations and rituals we’ve
experienced together including but not limited to our meeting in France, our
Wedding and Honeymoon on the 3rd Mesa with the Hopis as well as
other rituals that occurred during our time together. Over the past several nights dreams I’ve been recalling my “calling” to design and
construct the Medicine
Wheel at our home in Taos.
Much like the trip to France where I met Edy, it was an immediate
YES, with another immediate sense of urgency to “make it happen”. Same was true
with our Honeymoon trip into Hopi Lands. I had been studying all the tribes of
the region, but the Hopi intrigued me the most. I met a woman who had
understanding of their culture and insights that compelled her to gift me with
sacred corn and eagle feathers (NSA-you did NOT read that) It was an urgent “calling” that was driven
from within and despite bringing all of my large and medium format cameras, I
never shot a frame of film. It was truly a “trip”. Several times Edy and I looked at each other and gave the ?????.......then
shrugged our shoulders and carried on…….doing what we were “told”.
Many a warm evening and even more freezing cold nights I
would stand on our Medicine Wheel and Cry out to the heavens in joy/gratitude for
our wonderful life. Then there were many nights that those cries were full of
tears of pain/suffering for current situations I could not for the life of me
understand. All I knew was that I had to keep walking…………….
There have been many times lately when I am again confronted
with situations that baffle me. My first line of defense is to get in my head
and analyze the heck out it in an attempt to find just the right slot for it to
fit so things will “feel better”. What I’m finding is that more and more I just
don’t have a clue about much anymore. There are things that are just SO outside
of my understanding that I need to quit “leaning” and surrender.
Along the same lines as France, Hopi, Medicine Wheel etc..
was a quick conversation with Edy almost a year ago about the Bible. I have
always felt myself Bible Literate, but at 55 years old had never read it cover
to cover. So, last year I read it, again and again and am doing it again. There
is some good stuff in there! The good
news about this reading is that with each re-reading of “In the Beginning..” I feel myself more and
more a beginner.
As Christmas approaches I offer this GIFT of comfort to let you know that
all is well, despite how it might feel some days. Yep, We’re all right on
schedule and it’s (still) not ours…………..or the “experts” for that matter.
Blessings to all for a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New